Monday, July 21, 2008

Percieved and Actual

Percieved and actual. There is indeed a difference.

In life, we try to 'anticipate' things. Its a good way to forecast things and be prepared if there is anything unpleasant things happening.

However, if 'percieved' perception is getting on you, making you 'overly' worried, then it may or may not be a good thing. We might exaggerate things and thus build up unnecessary fear and worries..

Its really important to balance things. Especially facing the future and unknown. It is part and parcel of life to face it. Everyday, everytime. We never know what is going to happen tomoorow, next week, next month, next year.

Despite that, i still belive in having the need to percieve outcome before things happen. We 'solve' problems before they happen. Prevention is better then cure. But haiz, what happen if it is something that there is nothing much you can do...and your mind keep on thinking all funny and different kinds of possiblities?

Seriously, for the weak ones, they will really go gaga and crazy... and at the end of the day... becoming exhasted.

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