昨天和一位朋友到一间蛮特别的餐厅。英文名叫做 ‘miss clarity cafe',哈,听起来,看起感觉是间‘女生餐厅’。但是一坐下来,服务员,食物,其他客人等种种现象告诉我,miss clarity cafe 虽然听起来,看起来(装饰)很‘少女’但是,它的食物和环境,还是适合‘男女老少’的。
我点了dory 鱼柳,她点了海鲜意大利面,甜点是热巧克力加上冰淇淋
总的说来,在那里用餐,还是很舒服。交通也方便,我的车停在国家图书馆,几步路就到达miss clarity cafe。 而且,而且, after 5pm 图书馆的停车费是 便宜的lor~
哈哈... after 5pm,一律 per entry 2元左右。
嗯,这星期都在吃.... 吃吃吃.... 之前和SPI的朋友,也是 吃吃吃...一间位于portsdown road的餐厅,交通有些不方便,食物还可以,价格却有些高.
吃吃喝喝,吃吃喝喝.... 天下无不散之宴席,是时候停止这‘吃吃喝喝’了...八月即将到来,新学期也要开始了,要加倍努力... 不能辜负自己,不能辜负别人。
and oh..btw... The Dark Knight...is a wonderful movie!!! The late Heath Ledger was really a good actor. He played the role Joker well..
If you were to ask me, between Heath and Jack Nicholson, i'll say both are equally good and excel in their own way..
just one thing...it seems that batman always got overshadowed by its villian in the movie...lolz..it seems the villains are more interesting then the main character batman! lolz.

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