well..i have to remove the previous blog post...cos got ppl say i copy..haiz...movie, tv shows, songs, are often targets ppl aimed at, to accuse of copying..never expect blog also will kena..so i have to do something...drastic. lolz.
anyway, its thursday. yes, beside 1 day to friday (hope i count the days correctly, if not ppl shoot me again), its a day and a date (31/7/8/2008) where i am most concerned and i seriously developed abit of insomia due to this event that is going to happen today...
seriously..i really hope and pray all things will go smoothly..no conflict of interest, no arguement...
*finger crossed*
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
smurf cake
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

昨天和一位朋友到一间蛮特别的餐厅。英文名叫做 ‘miss clarity cafe',哈,听起来,看起感觉是间‘女生餐厅’。但是一坐下来,服务员,食物,其他客人等种种现象告诉我,miss clarity cafe 虽然听起来,看起来(装饰)很‘少女’但是,它的食物和环境,还是适合‘男女老少’的。
我点了dory 鱼柳,她点了海鲜意大利面,甜点是热巧克力加上冰淇淋
总的说来,在那里用餐,还是很舒服。交通也方便,我的车停在国家图书馆,几步路就到达miss clarity cafe。 而且,而且, after 5pm 图书馆的停车费是 便宜的lor~
哈哈... after 5pm,一律 per entry 2元左右。
嗯,这星期都在吃.... 吃吃吃.... 之前和SPI的朋友,也是 吃吃吃...一间位于portsdown road的餐厅,交通有些不方便,食物还可以,价格却有些高.
吃吃喝喝,吃吃喝喝.... 天下无不散之宴席,是时候停止这‘吃吃喝喝’了...八月即将到来,新学期也要开始了,要加倍努力... 不能辜负自己,不能辜负别人。
and oh..btw... The Dark Knight...is a wonderful movie!!! The late Heath Ledger was really a good actor. He played the role Joker well..
If you were to ask me, between Heath and Jack Nicholson, i'll say both are equally good and excel in their own way..
just one thing...it seems that batman always got overshadowed by its villian in the movie...lolz..it seems the villains are more interesting then the main character batman! lolz.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

因为他们其中几位从 普通学术班升级到我这里的快捷班,我因此也认识了其他没升到快捷班的朋友。缘分就是那么奇妙,现在回想,我在中一,中二时交的朋友现在极少来往,但是和在中三开始正式认识的‘兄弟’们,可是越来越熟。
Monday, July 21, 2008
Percieved and Actual
Percieved and actual. There is indeed a difference.
In life, we try to 'anticipate' things. Its a good way to forecast things and be prepared if there is anything unpleasant things happening.
However, if 'percieved' perception is getting on you, making you 'overly' worried, then it may or may not be a good thing. We might exaggerate things and thus build up unnecessary fear and worries..
Its really important to balance things. Especially facing the future and unknown. It is part and parcel of life to face it. Everyday, everytime. We never know what is going to happen tomoorow, next week, next month, next year.
Despite that, i still belive in having the need to percieve outcome before things happen. We 'solve' problems before they happen. Prevention is better then cure. But haiz, what happen if it is something that there is nothing much you can do...and your mind keep on thinking all funny and different kinds of possiblities?
Seriously, for the weak ones, they will really go gaga and crazy... and at the end of the day... becoming exhasted.
In life, we try to 'anticipate' things. Its a good way to forecast things and be prepared if there is anything unpleasant things happening.
However, if 'percieved' perception is getting on you, making you 'overly' worried, then it may or may not be a good thing. We might exaggerate things and thus build up unnecessary fear and worries..
Its really important to balance things. Especially facing the future and unknown. It is part and parcel of life to face it. Everyday, everytime. We never know what is going to happen tomoorow, next week, next month, next year.
Despite that, i still belive in having the need to percieve outcome before things happen. We 'solve' problems before they happen. Prevention is better then cure. But haiz, what happen if it is something that there is nothing much you can do...and your mind keep on thinking all funny and different kinds of possiblities?
Seriously, for the weak ones, they will really go gaga and crazy... and at the end of the day... becoming exhasted.
birthday feast
Haha.. basically, last fri and sat were 'birthday feast' for me.
Fri went to Tao's Restaurant at Paradiz Center. Omg. it was GOOD. Service - 10/10! Food wise...8/10! And its a 7 course dinner with an affordable price per pax. Furthermore, the serving size is NOT small at all.
Me, quite a big eater, enjoyed the serving size and the taste. Neither one was compromised. Good good.

Hmm..im glad that my good friend also enjoyed her meal. Although the environment on the whole is bit noisy. Every customer coming in and leaving, the (all) waiters/waitress will SOL(shout out loud) to greet them..omg.
While we were enjoying our nice tea after the last course(dessert), the manage came by and ask if we enjoyed our meal. We said yes (in fact, throughout the meal, we were asked 2 times by 2 friendly waiters alr).
The manager then proceed to ask if we can do him a favor, and well, naturally we were bit surprised, and he also say he would gave us a 10% discount. Hmm. He actually say that there were someone who also made a reservation at that timing and since we already finished our meal, he wondered if we can leave bit early. As compensation, he is willing to give 10% discount and/or pack some tea back as well. However, we already got a 20% discount voucher, and both discounts can't combined. So we have to choose either one and clearl,y it be the 20% of course. lolz.
The manage put the request in a nice and polite way, although we got to leave early, we were not displeased at all.
Certainly, this is a place where we will visit again.
The birthday feast continues..the next day, sat, me and many of my brothers and sisters went to Manhattan Restaurant at PS. No booking on weekends, so we have to wait outside. Wait and wait until 830pm before we went in to sit down and eat.
Well done, while they were serving our dish, one waitress actually 'decorated' my shirt and pants with some red chilli sauce. I tried my best to control my temper, and went to the washroom to clean up. One of my brother brought me a shirt as present, no choice, i have to change into the new shirt. Pants wise, i just have to bear with the smell and stain...omg.
A friend of mine beside me was also 'decorated' on his shirt. But it was not serious. The waitress, i believe could be a 'new bird' and quite worried, simply say a small sorry and ran off.. Making such grave mistake, the manager did not come to apologize.
I was rather pissed off, not because of the waitress, BUT the way they handle this situation. Therefore, my appetite was spoiled. I finished my food and while footing the bill, i went over to the counter and requested a 20% off on our bill as compensation. They told us the max they can give was 15%. i accepted. And it was good. the 15% was before 7% and 10% gst and svc.
They then wanted to give us one free main course or dessert, i rejected, cos we were actually leaving soon. In the end they gave us a stack of UOB voucher. Hmm...no bad, although i cant use. lolz.
Haiz. the night didnt end well, i lost my car key (and house key)! Luckily i didnt lock my van and managed to retreive my spare key inside my van...but the spare key was somehow bent, so i spent another half hour 'bending' it back... luckily at the end i manage to start the engine with the spare key...
so many 'stunts' this weekend..i really hope this week will be a peaceful one. lolz
i end this blog with a picture of some of my brothers..chilling in Coffee Club near Clark Quay that night..

from the following blog:
http://blog. omy.sg/hyr
Hey guys, yeah, so today we were told that our song, the 1st single for the 12 LOTUS OST, is rejected for having too much Hokkien content, and going in for a re record this Sunday. Jim and me are quite stupedified by the decision. Daammmnn, otherwise U guys would have been able to hear it by this weekend…
Being a Singaporean Chinese, I discovered my language thru Mandarin only later in life due to my career, and now can babble off 3 hours of interviews mostly in Chinese when I'm required to, and hence was appointed a Speak Mandarin Campaign Ambassador in hope of inspiring others. After I embraced the language, I realised that, Hey! what's wrong with Mandarin? Nothing!!?!? It's where I came from, I think it's more shameful if you can't speak the language rather than vice versa…
Last year's 881 was a hit among people of all ages, they identified with it because we presented something that was actually deep inside their hearts, just that we are all too busy with our own lives to notice it till then. Frankly, I'm one of those guys, and hence I was happy that I'm part of it.
Because of that, I now feel that Hokkien as a dialect, represents a culture in our lives in Singapore. But yeah, even people of my generation, weren't part of embracing it as it was largely unexposed in our lives of pop culture. And I'm already not young, so what about the younger guys? Yes, 881, was a hit, even to the 6 year old kids, and they came to know about Hokkien, but did they ditch their English, Mandarin and decided to try just speak Hokkien to their friends and family?
I didn't see that happening, which is why I'm quite curious on the restrictions of using a dialect in a movie or soundtrack to promote or be seen in a film that touches on the essence of that dialect, that culture, that is Hokkien. It's like eating KFC without the skin(aaahhh, I know some of you do that, hahhahah). Or can U imagine that China Girls song, and them singing HAVE A NICE DAY, instead of SAWADEE KA? Would sound ridiculous don't u think? Don't get me wrong, I understand the media has to ensure the coherence of language in their airwaves to establish their identity. But hmmm, this is after all, a Hokkien movie and so what's wrong to be exposed to that language thru the different media? Audiences who watch the movie in the end, would be exposed to it anyway…And we don't have Hokkien movies EVERYDAY…
I speak English like an Ah Beng over here, just because it's what I am, but that doesn't mean I can't write or speak in proper English if need be. Similarly I wouldn't ditch Mandarin if I learned Hokkien. And Similarly I wouldn't stop eating other forms of food altogether if I start on a cookie before a meal…and of course, I can make up for the KFC skin by balancing it up with other forms of food intake.
http://blog. omy.sg/hyr
Hey guys, yeah, so today we were told that our song, the 1st single for the 12 LOTUS OST, is rejected for having too much Hokkien content, and going in for a re record this Sunday. Jim and me are quite stupedified by the decision. Daammmnn, otherwise U guys would have been able to hear it by this weekend…
Being a Singaporean Chinese, I discovered my language thru Mandarin only later in life due to my career, and now can babble off 3 hours of interviews mostly in Chinese when I'm required to, and hence was appointed a Speak Mandarin Campaign Ambassador in hope of inspiring others. After I embraced the language, I realised that, Hey! what's wrong with Mandarin? Nothing!!?!? It's where I came from, I think it's more shameful if you can't speak the language rather than vice versa…
Last year's 881 was a hit among people of all ages, they identified with it because we presented something that was actually deep inside their hearts, just that we are all too busy with our own lives to notice it till then. Frankly, I'm one of those guys, and hence I was happy that I'm part of it.
Because of that, I now feel that Hokkien as a dialect, represents a culture in our lives in Singapore. But yeah, even people of my generation, weren't part of embracing it as it was largely unexposed in our lives of pop culture. And I'm already not young, so what about the younger guys? Yes, 881, was a hit, even to the 6 year old kids, and they came to know about Hokkien, but did they ditch their English, Mandarin and decided to try just speak Hokkien to their friends and family?
I didn't see that happening, which is why I'm quite curious on the restrictions of using a dialect in a movie or soundtrack to promote or be seen in a film that touches on the essence of that dialect, that culture, that is Hokkien. It's like eating KFC without the skin(aaahhh, I know some of you do that, hahhahah). Or can U imagine that China Girls song, and them singing HAVE A NICE DAY, instead of SAWADEE KA? Would sound ridiculous don't u think? Don't get me wrong, I understand the media has to ensure the coherence of language in their airwaves to establish their identity. But hmmm, this is after all, a Hokkien movie and so what's wrong to be exposed to that language thru the different media? Audiences who watch the movie in the end, would be exposed to it anyway…And we don't have Hokkien movies EVERYDAY…
I speak English like an Ah Beng over here, just because it's what I am, but that doesn't mean I can't write or speak in proper English if need be. Similarly I wouldn't ditch Mandarin if I learned Hokkien. And Similarly I wouldn't stop eating other forms of food altogether if I start on a cookie before a meal…and of course, I can make up for the KFC skin by balancing it up with other forms of food intake.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

有时很‘铁齿"(用福建话读), 有时很随和。有时很愿意做随从,当‘老二’不做‘老大’,有时却爱做大哥。
有时候很有耐性,有时却很‘蒙紧’(广东话读 - 紧张,无耐性)。有时候很有爱心,仁慈,有时候很狠毒。
当我在夜晚自我‘反省’时候,我时常问我自己 -我是谁?
- 死仔包。
Monday, July 14, 2008
赤壁 电影 - 赞!

导演还加入了一场虚构的惊险,漂亮的陆地战役。虽然虚构,但是却没有损坏<三国志>的主要思想,内容。三国志也是记录三国历史的主要历史文献。注意- 三国演义不是历史文献,而是历史小说(三分假七分真)。
可惜的是,张飞的怒吼喝退曹操兵马没有上演(虽然戏中有谈到张飞的‘大声功’)。 关二哥,赵云等,有太多的"one man show" 。 这是儿戏了,打仗不可能一脚踢的啊。曹操讨伐刘备,孙权也没有‘上奏’汉献帝(那时汉朝的皇帝)吧,而是匆忙带兵;一路追杀刘备,半路‘暂停’,然后下战书给孙权。
对了,还有一点,观众可能不了解, 在古代(其实现在也是吧),一个人有几个名字和称呼是很正常的。
关羽 = 关二哥, 关云长(他的‘字’), 关公, 美髯公(胡须很美的男人)。
诸葛亮 = 孔明(他的‘字’), 诸葛军师,‘亮’。
张飞 = 张翼德(字),三弟。
曹操 = 曹孟德,曹丞相,曹公,曹贼
孙权 = 孙仲某(字), 孙候,孙将军
周瑜 = 周都督,周朗(很英俊的男子), 公瑾(字)。
鲁肃 = 子敬(字)。
赵云 = 赵子龙(字)。
... 戏中周都督身边常跟随着 黄盖(老将军)和甘兴(其实就是历史的甘宁)。这二位可是东吴的上将。值得注意。还有程普将军也是是整个赤壁之战的重要人物。连同鲁肃,黄盖,甘宁一起帮助周都督。
最后,要批评一些网站和杂志介绍赤壁电影时候用的词汇。我的天啊,刘备逃亡新野城的时候尚未入蜀(西川,现在的四川)。荆州也还没和孙权‘借到’。因此,不应该说刘备的军队是‘蜀军’。真是没脑... '蜀‘shu。 是指某个地方。刘备的集团最后叫做‘蜀汉’是因为他的地盘在‘蜀’而且刘备是忠于‘大汉’的。汉,指的是‘汉朝’-三国鼎立前的王朝。
一部电影,也有很多值得学习的东西,如中华文化,历史等... 是个让我们这些‘现代人’学习古人的热血忠义精神,中华文化,历史了。
Thursday, July 10, 2008
in a nutshell..Before watch 赤壁 part 1
in a nutshell..Before watch 赤壁 part 1
For those going to watch the movie Red Cliff...its best to do a bit of a homework first, so that you understand the story plot better.
The scenario:
The battle of Red Cliff happened at AD208. But, why fight it at red cliff? What are the factors contributing to this battle?
During the late Han dynasty (Eastern Han). The central government faced tremendous pressure and attacks from the Yellow Turban Group. A folk religious group setup to go against the government. Reason was because the Emperor during the late Han period was weak, and in addition a group of eunuchs were becoming more and more powerful, controlling the Emperor.
The Yellow Turban group started off well, and stand by their mission to give the people a better life, but it turned out that the leader of the group was blinded by power.
Feudal Lords like Dong Zhuo, Yuan shao, Cao Cao, Ma Teng, Liu Bei, Sun Jian(Suan Quan’s father), Kong Rong, Liu Biao etc all rose to suppress the Yellow Turban.
When the Yellow Turban was destroyed, Dong Zhuo, one of the more powerful Lord became the Premier of Han kingdom. He was worse than the Yellow Turban group. Lu Bu, the almighty warrior was his foster son. They became powerful and strong, and thus, the other feudal lords rose again, this time to fight Dong Zhuo.
After Dong Zhuo demised, The Northern part of China, was the place for Yuan Shao, a feudal lord in the north. Cao Cao, apparently from a rather rich middle-upper class family, rallied troops and began to conquer Yuan Shao, Lu Bu (he betrayed Dong Zhuo and became a Lord himself). Cao Cao spent many years, destroying Yuan Shao and his influences in the north. Liu Bei on the other hand, in which he was never really a feudal lord but a poor peasant selling shoes, spent his years escaping and got beaten many times. Apparently, Liu Bei was a FAR descendent of the Liu family and from there, he could be regarded as the ‘Imperial Uncle’ of the Emperor.
In a nut shell, Liu Bei was running around, seeking help. Cao Cao spent his time building up his empire in the north. Yuan Shao, Lu Bu, Kong Rong, Dong Zhuo were all defeated by Cao Cao eventually.
Liu Bei seeked, helped from Yuan Shao before, then to Cao Cao, to Tao Qian, took over Tao Qian’s Xu Zhou province when Tao Qian died, but didn’t manage to keep it, he also went to seek refuge from Lu Bu too. Finally, Liu Bei seeked help from Liu Biao, his distant relatives. Liu Biao was not in the north, but in the centre part of the Han kingdom – Jing zhou province. To the north was Cao Cao’s land, to the East/South – Sun Quan ‘s Eastern Wu empire and some other negligible small feudal lords. To the west, is West Shu (current Sichuan province) governing by Liu Zhang, also a relative of Liu Bei and Zhang Lu in Hanzhong area(just above Sichuan).
As we can see, Jingzhou is a strategic place and Liu Bei was really a pain in the neck. Cao Cao knew that Liu Bei is a person with strong character and great charisma. Liu Bei got fierce warriors like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun etc. And by AD 208, Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang as well. (although he was not that famous in the early years).
Cao Cao, after conquering the north, began to feel that he is invincible and decided to swallow Jingzhou. Liu Biao was dead that time, due to sickness and his two sons, Liu Cong and Liu Qi were not very capable. Liu Qi was his first son, good character but weak and was from Liu Biao first wife. Liu Cong, 2nd son, slightly smarter, but with not so good character and his mother was Liu Biao 2nd wife. Liu Biao’s main general Cai Mao was Liu Biao 2nd wife’s brother. Both of them had always trying to make Liu Biao appoint Liu Cong as his heir.
Well, eventually Liu Biao died and Liu Cong took over. Liu Qi escaped the clutch of his step mother (Liu Cong’s mother) and thus settles himself down at Jiang Xia, a place within Jingzhou.
Cao Cao went on to press on Liu Bei. Poor Liu Bei with a few thousand troops and at most with Guan Yu 10’000 navel, couldn’t resist Cao Cao. Liu Bei retreat from Xin ye county, together with the commoners, marched slowly and flee to Fan Cheng (also part of Jingzhou). Initial plan to hijack Liu Cong before he surrender did not happen as Liu Bei thought it was not ethical to do so.
With some fighting, Fan cheng was also not a place to stay, Liu Bei then pressed on to find Liu Cong at Xiang yang city. Liu Cong and his mother, seeing Liu Bei arriving, quickly shut the gate and shot arrows at Liu Bei’s troop and the commoners. Many were killed. Seeing that Xiangyang was also not the place to hid, Liu Bei flee to Jiang Ling city.
Liu Bei escape route to Jiang Ling was a place and period where Zhang Fei roared and frightened Cao Cao’s troop, Zhao Yun risked his life to save Liu Bei’s son. It was this time, Guan Yu was dispatched to rally navel troops (He got 10 000 troops after that) and Lu Su, Sun Quan’s advisor approached Liu Bei to discuss the matter regarding Cao Cao astonishing move to conquer Jingzhou.
Jingzhou is situated at the upper banks of the Yangzte river. All the while Sun Quan relied heavily on the natural barrier – Yangzte River to protect his territory and now, Cao Cao had came so near to him and even share the river, Sun Quan was nervous, Lu Su panicked and decided to see Liu Bei so as to understand the whole situation. It was here, Zhuge Liang proposed to ally with Sun Quan to fight Cao Cao.
Back to our great Cao Cao, when Cao Cao entered the city and met Liu Cong. Liu Cong, his mother and Cai Mao, seeing Cao Cao coming down with his strong army, decided to surrender to Cao Cao. Cao Cao accepted, making false promises to them (agreeing to give them wealth, status etc) but killed them along the way.
Now, Cao Cao had managed to seize almost the whole of Jingzhou. Dumb Liu Cong surrendered without fighting, leaving a strong navel and Cai mao(he was spared due to his expertises in navel). Feeling a sense of superior and a new navel troop, he sent a letter to Sun Quan, asking him to join him for ‘hunting trip’.
Well, it is here that Cao Cao did a few unexpected things. Firstly, the MOTIVE of the battle was not clear. Cao Cao chased the pathetic Liu Bei all around Jingzhou running a merry go round, but did not attempt to continue to chase Liu Bei when he fled to Jiang Ling. Some guesses was that Cao Cao knew, that although the north was settled, the west was still troubled. Ma Teng at North west was strong with metal armoured cavalry troops. Zhang Lu was still popular and strong in Hanzhong region and Liu Zhang was still happily hiding in Xichuan, aka Western Shu (Sichuan).
Therefore, Cao Cao dared not play this merry go round with Liu Bei for too long. Another reason could be Cao Cao’s troop was still very much unsettled. Many were part of Yuan Shao’s old troop and Liu Cong’s Jing Zhou armies. Cao Cao needs time and resources to tidy things up, and thus decided to give Liu Bei a ‘break’. But this break is not for long, the letter he sent to Sun Quan, although very ambiguous, as it could mean that he was targeting Liu Bei BUT at same time also testing Sun Quan’s loyalty and support for him.
Now, not only Liu Bei was threatened, Sun Quan felt the heat as well. Zhuge Liang later went over to Sun Quan’s place, for meetings and to persuade Sun Quan to fight Cao Cao. Actually was to make use of Sun Quan to resist Cao Cao. When asked, how many troops Cao Cao brought, Zhuge Liang mentioned Cao Cao had brought one million strong armies. This was impossible and we have to take note that in the past, the numbers of soldiers were often exaggerated. A safe way is to divide the number to half. But in this case, after dividing by half, we have to divide again, because Cao Cao simply can’t bring such a big army. Yes, his full strength can hit 1 million men, but do not forget he got a long border to guard. In addition, within a few months (after chasing Liu Bei), he could not rally so many troops.
Estimated, Cao Cao only got around 200 000 or a few hundred thousand. Sun Quan army? Estimated to be around a few ten thousands strong. Liu Bei? Even more pathetic, Guan Yu 10 000 navel, Liu Qi 10 000 troops and Liu Bei a few thousands soldiers only.
The whole battle revolved around Zhou Yu, the then Commander in Chief at Sun Quan side. Majority of the navel battle was done by Zhou Yu and team. Liu Bei troop play a small part only. Zhuge Liang only task was to ensure Sun Quan fight the war.
Cao Cao’ defeat was because his objective for the battle was not clear, some even said he fought because of the then great beauty – Xiao Qiao – wife of Zhou Yu. Da Qiao married to Sun Ce, brother of Sun Quan. Both Sun Quan’s father (Sun Jian) and Elder Brother Sun Ce died young in accident. But they were both very capable and outstanding people.
Cao Cao’s troop morale was not high. Most of the soldiers were not Cao Cao’s original troop and many were from the north and not familiar with navel battle. Cao Cao success in the past was because he fought for good justified reasons. This time round, it was unclear. The battle was declared rather quickly and such important battle should have more time for planning.
It was this battle that gave Liu Bei a chance to ‘breath’ and regains his strength, so as to seize the neighbouring cities within Jing Zhou, eliminating the smaller feudal lords and eventually seize Xichuan and Hanzhong and establishes the Shu kingdom. Cao Cao military strength was greatly hurt in this battle and after the recovery; it was still a phobia for him to fight on water. Partially also he realized his backend got some problem and trouble unsolved as well.
Both Zhuge Liang and Lu Su have foreseen a 3 kingdom scenario. For Zhuge Liang, it was Cao Cao, Sun Quan and liu Bei. For Lu Su, it was Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang/Liu Biao.
Zhou Yu was an outstanding strategist, and he was a real gentleman in real life. Not a petty person dedicated in novel. He died young because of sickness, not because of Zhuge Liang.
This ‘in a nutshell’ (although not really a nut shell after all), if you guys notice, I focused a lot on the pre-war issues. Because the film makers released part 1 first, and I don’t want to talk so much on the things that haven’t shown on film yet. Furthermore, I think it is crucial to know the background and pre-war events.
For those going to watch the movie Red Cliff...its best to do a bit of a homework first, so that you understand the story plot better.
The scenario:
The battle of Red Cliff happened at AD208. But, why fight it at red cliff? What are the factors contributing to this battle?
During the late Han dynasty (Eastern Han). The central government faced tremendous pressure and attacks from the Yellow Turban Group. A folk religious group setup to go against the government. Reason was because the Emperor during the late Han period was weak, and in addition a group of eunuchs were becoming more and more powerful, controlling the Emperor.
The Yellow Turban group started off well, and stand by their mission to give the people a better life, but it turned out that the leader of the group was blinded by power.
Feudal Lords like Dong Zhuo, Yuan shao, Cao Cao, Ma Teng, Liu Bei, Sun Jian(Suan Quan’s father), Kong Rong, Liu Biao etc all rose to suppress the Yellow Turban.
When the Yellow Turban was destroyed, Dong Zhuo, one of the more powerful Lord became the Premier of Han kingdom. He was worse than the Yellow Turban group. Lu Bu, the almighty warrior was his foster son. They became powerful and strong, and thus, the other feudal lords rose again, this time to fight Dong Zhuo.
After Dong Zhuo demised, The Northern part of China, was the place for Yuan Shao, a feudal lord in the north. Cao Cao, apparently from a rather rich middle-upper class family, rallied troops and began to conquer Yuan Shao, Lu Bu (he betrayed Dong Zhuo and became a Lord himself). Cao Cao spent many years, destroying Yuan Shao and his influences in the north. Liu Bei on the other hand, in which he was never really a feudal lord but a poor peasant selling shoes, spent his years escaping and got beaten many times. Apparently, Liu Bei was a FAR descendent of the Liu family and from there, he could be regarded as the ‘Imperial Uncle’ of the Emperor.
In a nut shell, Liu Bei was running around, seeking help. Cao Cao spent his time building up his empire in the north. Yuan Shao, Lu Bu, Kong Rong, Dong Zhuo were all defeated by Cao Cao eventually.
Liu Bei seeked, helped from Yuan Shao before, then to Cao Cao, to Tao Qian, took over Tao Qian’s Xu Zhou province when Tao Qian died, but didn’t manage to keep it, he also went to seek refuge from Lu Bu too. Finally, Liu Bei seeked help from Liu Biao, his distant relatives. Liu Biao was not in the north, but in the centre part of the Han kingdom – Jing zhou province. To the north was Cao Cao’s land, to the East/South – Sun Quan ‘s Eastern Wu empire and some other negligible small feudal lords. To the west, is West Shu (current Sichuan province) governing by Liu Zhang, also a relative of Liu Bei and Zhang Lu in Hanzhong area(just above Sichuan).
As we can see, Jingzhou is a strategic place and Liu Bei was really a pain in the neck. Cao Cao knew that Liu Bei is a person with strong character and great charisma. Liu Bei got fierce warriors like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun etc. And by AD 208, Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang as well. (although he was not that famous in the early years).
Cao Cao, after conquering the north, began to feel that he is invincible and decided to swallow Jingzhou. Liu Biao was dead that time, due to sickness and his two sons, Liu Cong and Liu Qi were not very capable. Liu Qi was his first son, good character but weak and was from Liu Biao first wife. Liu Cong, 2nd son, slightly smarter, but with not so good character and his mother was Liu Biao 2nd wife. Liu Biao’s main general Cai Mao was Liu Biao 2nd wife’s brother. Both of them had always trying to make Liu Biao appoint Liu Cong as his heir.
Well, eventually Liu Biao died and Liu Cong took over. Liu Qi escaped the clutch of his step mother (Liu Cong’s mother) and thus settles himself down at Jiang Xia, a place within Jingzhou.
Cao Cao went on to press on Liu Bei. Poor Liu Bei with a few thousand troops and at most with Guan Yu 10’000 navel, couldn’t resist Cao Cao. Liu Bei retreat from Xin ye county, together with the commoners, marched slowly and flee to Fan Cheng (also part of Jingzhou). Initial plan to hijack Liu Cong before he surrender did not happen as Liu Bei thought it was not ethical to do so.
With some fighting, Fan cheng was also not a place to stay, Liu Bei then pressed on to find Liu Cong at Xiang yang city. Liu Cong and his mother, seeing Liu Bei arriving, quickly shut the gate and shot arrows at Liu Bei’s troop and the commoners. Many were killed. Seeing that Xiangyang was also not the place to hid, Liu Bei flee to Jiang Ling city.
Liu Bei escape route to Jiang Ling was a place and period where Zhang Fei roared and frightened Cao Cao’s troop, Zhao Yun risked his life to save Liu Bei’s son. It was this time, Guan Yu was dispatched to rally navel troops (He got 10 000 troops after that) and Lu Su, Sun Quan’s advisor approached Liu Bei to discuss the matter regarding Cao Cao astonishing move to conquer Jingzhou.
Jingzhou is situated at the upper banks of the Yangzte river. All the while Sun Quan relied heavily on the natural barrier – Yangzte River to protect his territory and now, Cao Cao had came so near to him and even share the river, Sun Quan was nervous, Lu Su panicked and decided to see Liu Bei so as to understand the whole situation. It was here, Zhuge Liang proposed to ally with Sun Quan to fight Cao Cao.
Back to our great Cao Cao, when Cao Cao entered the city and met Liu Cong. Liu Cong, his mother and Cai Mao, seeing Cao Cao coming down with his strong army, decided to surrender to Cao Cao. Cao Cao accepted, making false promises to them (agreeing to give them wealth, status etc) but killed them along the way.
Now, Cao Cao had managed to seize almost the whole of Jingzhou. Dumb Liu Cong surrendered without fighting, leaving a strong navel and Cai mao(he was spared due to his expertises in navel). Feeling a sense of superior and a new navel troop, he sent a letter to Sun Quan, asking him to join him for ‘hunting trip’.
Well, it is here that Cao Cao did a few unexpected things. Firstly, the MOTIVE of the battle was not clear. Cao Cao chased the pathetic Liu Bei all around Jingzhou running a merry go round, but did not attempt to continue to chase Liu Bei when he fled to Jiang Ling. Some guesses was that Cao Cao knew, that although the north was settled, the west was still troubled. Ma Teng at North west was strong with metal armoured cavalry troops. Zhang Lu was still popular and strong in Hanzhong region and Liu Zhang was still happily hiding in Xichuan, aka Western Shu (Sichuan).
Therefore, Cao Cao dared not play this merry go round with Liu Bei for too long. Another reason could be Cao Cao’s troop was still very much unsettled. Many were part of Yuan Shao’s old troop and Liu Cong’s Jing Zhou armies. Cao Cao needs time and resources to tidy things up, and thus decided to give Liu Bei a ‘break’. But this break is not for long, the letter he sent to Sun Quan, although very ambiguous, as it could mean that he was targeting Liu Bei BUT at same time also testing Sun Quan’s loyalty and support for him.
Now, not only Liu Bei was threatened, Sun Quan felt the heat as well. Zhuge Liang later went over to Sun Quan’s place, for meetings and to persuade Sun Quan to fight Cao Cao. Actually was to make use of Sun Quan to resist Cao Cao. When asked, how many troops Cao Cao brought, Zhuge Liang mentioned Cao Cao had brought one million strong armies. This was impossible and we have to take note that in the past, the numbers of soldiers were often exaggerated. A safe way is to divide the number to half. But in this case, after dividing by half, we have to divide again, because Cao Cao simply can’t bring such a big army. Yes, his full strength can hit 1 million men, but do not forget he got a long border to guard. In addition, within a few months (after chasing Liu Bei), he could not rally so many troops.
Estimated, Cao Cao only got around 200 000 or a few hundred thousand. Sun Quan army? Estimated to be around a few ten thousands strong. Liu Bei? Even more pathetic, Guan Yu 10 000 navel, Liu Qi 10 000 troops and Liu Bei a few thousands soldiers only.
The whole battle revolved around Zhou Yu, the then Commander in Chief at Sun Quan side. Majority of the navel battle was done by Zhou Yu and team. Liu Bei troop play a small part only. Zhuge Liang only task was to ensure Sun Quan fight the war.
Cao Cao’ defeat was because his objective for the battle was not clear, some even said he fought because of the then great beauty – Xiao Qiao – wife of Zhou Yu. Da Qiao married to Sun Ce, brother of Sun Quan. Both Sun Quan’s father (Sun Jian) and Elder Brother Sun Ce died young in accident. But they were both very capable and outstanding people.
Cao Cao’s troop morale was not high. Most of the soldiers were not Cao Cao’s original troop and many were from the north and not familiar with navel battle. Cao Cao success in the past was because he fought for good justified reasons. This time round, it was unclear. The battle was declared rather quickly and such important battle should have more time for planning.
It was this battle that gave Liu Bei a chance to ‘breath’ and regains his strength, so as to seize the neighbouring cities within Jing Zhou, eliminating the smaller feudal lords and eventually seize Xichuan and Hanzhong and establishes the Shu kingdom. Cao Cao military strength was greatly hurt in this battle and after the recovery; it was still a phobia for him to fight on water. Partially also he realized his backend got some problem and trouble unsolved as well.
Both Zhuge Liang and Lu Su have foreseen a 3 kingdom scenario. For Zhuge Liang, it was Cao Cao, Sun Quan and liu Bei. For Lu Su, it was Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Zhang/Liu Biao.
Zhou Yu was an outstanding strategist, and he was a real gentleman in real life. Not a petty person dedicated in novel. He died young because of sickness, not because of Zhuge Liang.
This ‘in a nutshell’ (although not really a nut shell after all), if you guys notice, I focused a lot on the pre-war issues. Because the film makers released part 1 first, and I don’t want to talk so much on the things that haven’t shown on film yet. Furthermore, I think it is crucial to know the background and pre-war events.
pls..have a good laugh
>New Delhi, India: An AIR India flight headed for Mumbai overshot its destination and was halfway to Goa before its dozing pilots were woken out of a deep slumber by air traffic control, a report said.The high altitude nap took place about two weeks ago, the Times of India newspaper reported yesterday.Some 100 passengers were on board the state-run flight that originated from Dubai and flew to the western Indian city of Jaipur before heading south to Mumbai when both pilots fell asleep, a source told the paper."
After operating an overnight flight, fatigue levels peak - and so the pilots dozed off after taking off from Jaipur," the source, who was not identified, said.The plane flew to Mumbai on autopilot, but when air traffic there tried to help the aircraft land, the plane ignored their instructions and carried on at full speed towards Goa."It was only after the aircraft reached Mumbai airspace that air traffic control realised it was not responding to any instructions and was carrying on its own course," the source said."The aircraft should have begun its descent about 100 miles (160km) from Mumbai, but here it was still at cruising altitude. We checked for hijack."Finally, air traffic control buzzed the cockpit and woke up the pilots, who turned the plane around, the report said When contacted by the newspaper, Air India said it was gathering information on the incident.
The manager of Mumbai's airport insisted the aircraft had suffered a "communications failure" and that no napping had taken place.But sources told the daily that the authorities were trying to hush up the matter.Indian papers reported this week that a flight operated by private airline Jetlite to the central Indian city of Patna was grounded after the pilot was found to be drunk.
After operating an overnight flight, fatigue levels peak - and so the pilots dozed off after taking off from Jaipur," the source, who was not identified, said.The plane flew to Mumbai on autopilot, but when air traffic there tried to help the aircraft land, the plane ignored their instructions and carried on at full speed towards Goa."It was only after the aircraft reached Mumbai airspace that air traffic control realised it was not responding to any instructions and was carrying on its own course," the source said."The aircraft should have begun its descent about 100 miles (160km) from Mumbai, but here it was still at cruising altitude. We checked for hijack."Finally, air traffic control buzzed the cockpit and woke up the pilots, who turned the plane around, the report said When contacted by the newspaper, Air India said it was gathering information on the incident.
The manager of Mumbai's airport insisted the aircraft had suffered a "communications failure" and that no napping had taken place.But sources told the daily that the authorities were trying to hush up the matter.Indian papers reported this week that a flight operated by private airline Jetlite to the central Indian city of Patna was grounded after the pilot was found to be drunk.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
我挺 方文山先生
我挺 方文山先生
华文呢?不是为了‘利益’,而是华文是自己文化,自己的‘内涵’。嘿,试问有几个国人真的珍惜‘文化’和‘内涵’呢? 旧楼,旧东西就要‘丢掉’ - 这是时下新一代国人的‘理念’。
华文呢?不是为了‘利益’,而是华文是自己文化,自己的‘内涵’。嘿,试问有几个国人真的珍惜‘文化’和‘内涵’呢? 旧楼,旧东西就要‘丢掉’ - 这是时下新一代国人的‘理念’。
finally i passed!
Yippy! finally...on the third attempt...i passed my ippt!
nono..im not over weight..nor im a weak person that don't exercise... its just that i cant really 'jump'. i screwed up the SBJ(standing broad jump) test, and my stamina wasnt that good. Despite i still exercise regular..visiting the gym, doing static, guess its not enough, need to improve my jumping and stamina. Eat more frog legs? hmmm...
I passed my ippt with incentive of 100 dollars..haiz..not bad. I got to train abit, and after my birthday, im going for Silver. Thats my standard, at least silver. I am certainly not satisfied with a 'pass'. Im going for silver - 200 dollars incentive!
Hmm..partially its my lifestyle, i been driving, so i walk really lesser then last time, before NS and during NS. You walk less, your stamina drop. Now, me from point A to B, i often drive. Perhaps thats one of the reason for my drop in stamina.
Well, this also apply to many locals, we are too used to driving, many Singaporeans drive, and hate walking. MRT, bus stop MUST be at door steps. Its a give and take. This reminds me of the T Rex, their 2 small little 'arms', due to lack of usage, they became smaller and smaller and basically a useless pair of 'hands'.
will mankind become like that? well, im not sure.
nono..im not over weight..nor im a weak person that don't exercise... its just that i cant really 'jump'. i screwed up the SBJ(standing broad jump) test, and my stamina wasnt that good. Despite i still exercise regular..visiting the gym, doing static, guess its not enough, need to improve my jumping and stamina. Eat more frog legs? hmmm...
I passed my ippt with incentive of 100 dollars..haiz..not bad. I got to train abit, and after my birthday, im going for Silver. Thats my standard, at least silver. I am certainly not satisfied with a 'pass'. Im going for silver - 200 dollars incentive!
Hmm..partially its my lifestyle, i been driving, so i walk really lesser then last time, before NS and during NS. You walk less, your stamina drop. Now, me from point A to B, i often drive. Perhaps thats one of the reason for my drop in stamina.
Well, this also apply to many locals, we are too used to driving, many Singaporeans drive, and hate walking. MRT, bus stop MUST be at door steps. Its a give and take. This reminds me of the T Rex, their 2 small little 'arms', due to lack of usage, they became smaller and smaller and basically a useless pair of 'hands'.
will mankind become like that? well, im not sure.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
at vivocity..
Some snapshots at vivocity...
What were there queueing for?
What were they looking at?
my '2 small sailors'...
well, thats me with the Russia flag

Hmm...North south east west...getting my bearings..

Friday, July 4, 2008
shame on 'them'
Kudos to this Singaporean..and i believe many also, for expressing their discontentment about the 'brilliant' decision by URA. NHB is clearly still sleeping.
June 30, 2008
Shame 7th Storey hotel must make way for MRT
I MUST express my disappointment at the imminent demolition of the New 7th Storey Hotel in Rochor Road to make way for a Downtown Line MRT station.
It seems another noteworthy building in the history of Singapore is being sacrificed in the name of progress.
With all the advances in building technology (there is even an MRT station built under a huge canal in Chinatown), it is hard to understand why this is the only way to resolve the situation.
To the layman, it seems that the authorities think demolishing the hotel is the cheapest and most convenient way to remove a thorn in the flesh via land acquisition.
In comparison, other countries have tried and succeeded in merging new and existing buildings with tactful architecture intervention.
The New 7th Storey Hotel demolition is another painful reminder of similar acts by the authorities.
The most recent example is the demolition of the red-brick National Library building in Stamford Road. Another, already fading in our memories, is the beloved former National Theatre, just a few streets away.
I hope the Government remembers that the collective historical memory of Singapore belongs to the nation, and its people, and must be treated with respect.
Architectural history is an important component in the fabric of the people's memory, and these threads should not be torn down in the name of progress.
Is it any wonder that increasing numbers of young Singaporeans find it hard to sink roots here and choose to move abroad?
It is also in the nation's interest that the Urban Redevelopment Authority, National Heritage Board and other authorities comment on this.
Yan Dawei
Why is history not valued in Singapore? Is modernization means westernization and uprooting our roots? ISnt it making us superficial? and truely, i find Singapore and many Singaporean VERY low in their tolerance level. Anything standing in front of them become a 'thorn in the flesh' quickily.
Clearly, the meaning of 'embracing' and 'harmony' is NOT in many of us and certainly absence in the Govt bodies. Why must we everytime trying to 'destory', 'remove' and not living 'within', 'accepting' ? overcoming doesnt mean we behave like a rhino where we destory everything in our path. Why must we 'conqure' and not live in harmony?
just like the Great US, landing on moon means 'conquring moon'. Does it mean the pest fly landing on your dining table means it has 'conqured' your dining table?
June 30, 2008
Shame 7th Storey hotel must make way for MRT
I MUST express my disappointment at the imminent demolition of the New 7th Storey Hotel in Rochor Road to make way for a Downtown Line MRT station.
It seems another noteworthy building in the history of Singapore is being sacrificed in the name of progress.
With all the advances in building technology (there is even an MRT station built under a huge canal in Chinatown), it is hard to understand why this is the only way to resolve the situation.
To the layman, it seems that the authorities think demolishing the hotel is the cheapest and most convenient way to remove a thorn in the flesh via land acquisition.
In comparison, other countries have tried and succeeded in merging new and existing buildings with tactful architecture intervention.
The New 7th Storey Hotel demolition is another painful reminder of similar acts by the authorities.
The most recent example is the demolition of the red-brick National Library building in Stamford Road. Another, already fading in our memories, is the beloved former National Theatre, just a few streets away.
I hope the Government remembers that the collective historical memory of Singapore belongs to the nation, and its people, and must be treated with respect.
Architectural history is an important component in the fabric of the people's memory, and these threads should not be torn down in the name of progress.
Is it any wonder that increasing numbers of young Singaporeans find it hard to sink roots here and choose to move abroad?
It is also in the nation's interest that the Urban Redevelopment Authority, National Heritage Board and other authorities comment on this.
Yan Dawei
Why is history not valued in Singapore? Is modernization means westernization and uprooting our roots? ISnt it making us superficial? and truely, i find Singapore and many Singaporean VERY low in their tolerance level. Anything standing in front of them become a 'thorn in the flesh' quickily.
Clearly, the meaning of 'embracing' and 'harmony' is NOT in many of us and certainly absence in the Govt bodies. Why must we everytime trying to 'destory', 'remove' and not living 'within', 'accepting' ? overcoming doesnt mean we behave like a rhino where we destory everything in our path. Why must we 'conqure' and not live in harmony?
just like the Great US, landing on moon means 'conquring moon'. Does it mean the pest fly landing on your dining table means it has 'conqured' your dining table?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
10 promises to my dog

the plot:
One day a puppy comes to the house of Akari, who has just turned twelve, and was trying hard to act strong after her mother suddenly fell ill. She immediately falls in love with the puppy and names it "Socks" after the paws which looked like they had white socks on. Akari was together with Socks day and night. However, as Akari grows up, her feelings and interest moves away from Socks. Year by year, their distance grows, which also leads to her physical distance as she moves to a far off city, and must leave Socks behind to a childhood friend.One day Akari remembers the 10 promises that she had made with Socks and her deceased mother...
Went to watch this interesting movie today.... hmm..not as touching as what other people say (only during the last part), but still, it is quite emotional and managed to touch many people's heart, and many viewers around me actually cried, during the last part when the dog is dying.
The plot on the whole is good, and simple and neat. It touches the great responsiblity of having pets, social issue(career and family) and also set us thinking, that many animals have feelings too. The very fact that we humans, have our career, schools, friends etc, but to a dog, we are their whole world. And a dog to us, on the other hand, is our a 'part' of our life. Their lifespan is also very short, around 10 over years. Human selfishness and irresponsible had led them to suffer.
2 piece of music (excluding the boa song pls..) which i like are Canon In D Major and Time after time... im going to indulge myself in these 2 wonderful music again....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
电影: 赤壁 预告片
looking forward to this movie.... i sense that its much better then the earlier one...on Zhao Yun by another director.
oh..Director John Wu..please don't disappoint me...pls..
oh..Director John Wu..please don't disappoint me...pls..
horoscope and Three kingdom characters
me..typical "San Guo" Three kingdom fan...here..i 'stole' something related to sanguo..and post onto my blog..hee..just to share...
●張飛—牡羊座 長阪坡上張飛據水斷橋一聲大喝,驚得曹軍人仰馬翻而退。展現牡羊座豪俠爽快、一馬當先的精神。
【金牛座(TAURUS)04/20-05/20】 ●董卓—金牛座 董卓大權在握後到處收刮百姓,並在長安成外,別築郿塢,藏盡天下金銀財寶,俊男少女,與美人貂蟬共享榮華富貴,可說是個會享受的金牛座。
【雙子座(GEMINI)05/21-06/21】 ●楊修—雙子座 楊修,博學能文,才思過人,後因多言賈禍,被曹操以擾亂軍心的罪名斬首。雙子座善於言語也困於言語。 【巨蟹座(CANCER)06/22-07/22】 ●曹植—巨蟹座 曹植十歲時即能寫出很漂亮的文章,才思敏捷,下筆成章。曹丕即帝後,忌其才華,欲殺曹植,但曹植七步成詩感動曹丕,展現了巨蟹座之親情感人。
【獅子座(LEO)07/23-08/22】 ●關公—獅子座 過五關斬六將的關公說:「吾極知曹公待我厚,然吾受劉將軍厚恩,誓以共死,不可背之。吾終不留,吾要當立效以報曹公乃去。」顯示獅子座光明磊落之作風。
【處女座(VIRGO)08/23-09/22】 處女座—周瑜 出身官宦之家,儀表英俊,聰穎過人,多謀略,為人器量狹小,陰狠刻毒,見諸葛亮比自己高明,便處處加以暗算。處女座多才多藝只是心胸不寬。
【天秤座(LIBRA)09/23-10/22】 ●呂布—天平座 呂布號稱:“飛將軍”,三國時代最優秀的武將。一生有勇無謀,反覆無常,英雄氣短,兒女情長。是天秤之優點也是缺點。
【天蠍座(SCORPIO)10/23-11/21】 ●諸葛亮—天蠍座 自比管仲樂毅,一生忠心輔佐劉備,精通陰陽五行,善能步罡踏斗,料敵如神,善於用計,是個標準的神秘兮兮天蠍座。
【射手座(SAGITTARIUS)11/22-12/21】 ●華陀—射手座 精通內科、兒科、婦科、針灸,用“麻沸散”使病人麻醉,施行剖腹手術,外號“神醫”。後為曹操治病因尊重專業太過直言而被殺。射手座向來以醫術和直爽見稱於世。
【魔羯座(CAPRICORN)12/22-01/19】 ●曹操—魔羯座 從小聰明機警,有俠氣。被人評為「治世之能臣,亂世之奸雄」,一生用人重才不重德,只求達到目的不擇手段,是標準的魔羯座。
【水瓶座(AQUARIUS)01/22-02/18】 ●龐統—水瓶座 號稱鳳雛,與諸葛亮齊名。其貌不揚,向曹操獻連環計,成為赤壁之戰的勝負關鍵。為一天才型之寶瓶座代表人物。
【雙魚座(PISCES)02/19-03/20】 ●劉備—雙魚座 雙魚座心地仁慈,愛哭,撤離襄陽一役,軍民十餘萬跟隨同行,諸將皆勸暫棄百姓,但劉備哭著說:「舉大事者必以人為本。今人歸我,奈何棄之?」
(From 淨心舍)
(Information taken from http://hk.geocities.com/e33ivanyauwai/)
●張飛—牡羊座 長阪坡上張飛據水斷橋一聲大喝,驚得曹軍人仰馬翻而退。展現牡羊座豪俠爽快、一馬當先的精神。
【金牛座(TAURUS)04/20-05/20】 ●董卓—金牛座 董卓大權在握後到處收刮百姓,並在長安成外,別築郿塢,藏盡天下金銀財寶,俊男少女,與美人貂蟬共享榮華富貴,可說是個會享受的金牛座。
【雙子座(GEMINI)05/21-06/21】 ●楊修—雙子座 楊修,博學能文,才思過人,後因多言賈禍,被曹操以擾亂軍心的罪名斬首。雙子座善於言語也困於言語。 【巨蟹座(CANCER)06/22-07/22】 ●曹植—巨蟹座 曹植十歲時即能寫出很漂亮的文章,才思敏捷,下筆成章。曹丕即帝後,忌其才華,欲殺曹植,但曹植七步成詩感動曹丕,展現了巨蟹座之親情感人。
【獅子座(LEO)07/23-08/22】 ●關公—獅子座 過五關斬六將的關公說:「吾極知曹公待我厚,然吾受劉將軍厚恩,誓以共死,不可背之。吾終不留,吾要當立效以報曹公乃去。」顯示獅子座光明磊落之作風。
【處女座(VIRGO)08/23-09/22】 處女座—周瑜 出身官宦之家,儀表英俊,聰穎過人,多謀略,為人器量狹小,陰狠刻毒,見諸葛亮比自己高明,便處處加以暗算。處女座多才多藝只是心胸不寬。
【天秤座(LIBRA)09/23-10/22】 ●呂布—天平座 呂布號稱:“飛將軍”,三國時代最優秀的武將。一生有勇無謀,反覆無常,英雄氣短,兒女情長。是天秤之優點也是缺點。
【天蠍座(SCORPIO)10/23-11/21】 ●諸葛亮—天蠍座 自比管仲樂毅,一生忠心輔佐劉備,精通陰陽五行,善能步罡踏斗,料敵如神,善於用計,是個標準的神秘兮兮天蠍座。
【射手座(SAGITTARIUS)11/22-12/21】 ●華陀—射手座 精通內科、兒科、婦科、針灸,用“麻沸散”使病人麻醉,施行剖腹手術,外號“神醫”。後為曹操治病因尊重專業太過直言而被殺。射手座向來以醫術和直爽見稱於世。
【魔羯座(CAPRICORN)12/22-01/19】 ●曹操—魔羯座 從小聰明機警,有俠氣。被人評為「治世之能臣,亂世之奸雄」,一生用人重才不重德,只求達到目的不擇手段,是標準的魔羯座。
【水瓶座(AQUARIUS)01/22-02/18】 ●龐統—水瓶座 號稱鳳雛,與諸葛亮齊名。其貌不揚,向曹操獻連環計,成為赤壁之戰的勝負關鍵。為一天才型之寶瓶座代表人物。
【雙魚座(PISCES)02/19-03/20】 ●劉備—雙魚座 雙魚座心地仁慈,愛哭,撤離襄陽一役,軍民十餘萬跟隨同行,諸將皆勸暫棄百姓,但劉備哭著說:「舉大事者必以人為本。今人歸我,奈何棄之?」
(From 淨心舍)
(Information taken from http://hk.geocities.com/e33ivanyauwai/)
Abba - Dancing Queen
suddenly feel like listening to this...classic song.... enjoy..
Abba - Dancing Queen with lyrics
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a kingAnybody could be that guy
Night is young and the musics high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
Youre in the mood for a danceAnd when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Youre a teaser, you turn em on
Leave them burning and then youre gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
Youre in the mood for a danceAnd when you get the chance...You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Abba - Dancing Queen with lyrics
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a kingAnybody could be that guy
Night is young and the musics high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
Youre in the mood for a danceAnd when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Youre a teaser, you turn em on
Leave them burning and then youre gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
Youre in the mood for a danceAnd when you get the chance...You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
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