Its not whinning..but i feel that i should really pen it down. Just my personal thoughts.
I have a revision class in school, 830am later. And i just barely reached home. For these 1-2 weeks, i almostly totally devoted my time to preparing and helping out in the Taoist Day celebration.
Well, its volunteer work, out of interest, commitment and the passion in us, that push us to do it FOC.
Many people asked me, eh, how much u are paid? how much u get?
Well, is it everything we need to talk money? No right...
Yes i know, people will say, oh Jeremy, by making that statement, you are 'avoiding' the 'reality' and not practical. Kinda 'dumb' of you...sacrifice your time for 'nothing'.
Well, i seriously don't think so.
A set of traditions, a set of culture NEED people to pass on. It does not pass on 'automatically'. I know most cars are 'auto', but in real life, not all things are auto. Well, by able to understand this point, it prove that i am NOT avoiding reality. In fact i understand the hard and cruel of reality.
AND with the inevitable westernization and modernization, each individual's traditions and culture get 'difused'. Well, talking about 'unqiue' and 'special', isnt it many young generation seek to be? To be different. And if our traditions get 'diffused', that make ALL of us look the same, behave the same. So, there is a need to preserve traditions. And this again, is not an automatic process. You need people to set it right,work on it.
So far, i only mentioned 2 words - traditions, culture and NOT religion. Why? Because religion is a western invented term. For most Asians, Malay, Indian, Chinese, worship and belief is all part and parcel of life. part of norms, culture. No need to split it up into 'culture' and 'religion'. Without religion, traditions will be meaningless to hold on. So, by saying 'traditions' , it as good as saying inclusive of beliefs and religion.
why do it for free? Cos its not a business. do you earn money by serving your parents, helping your friend? no right? the same reason applies. Its OUR heritage. You wash and take care of the clothe you wear, you do not expect a 'salary' from doing laundry right.
Why avoid? Many people 'avoid' their belief. 'aiya, my parents take care can le', 'oh...dun wan la, pai say'. 'oh..thats for old ppl'.
old ppl? mean to say, these ppl are 'borned old'? Hey, they were once young too! And they hold on to their traditions since they were young! So in other words, it started off young too. And thus not something for the 'old'.
Parents doing it? Yes, our parents love us and its their duty to preserve the culture and tradition. But just like in a family, we all get involve. Interest only grow out from involvment and participation. Keeping it away from oneself only make one MORE alien and un-interested to it. SInce it is OUR thing, why we want to 'keep away' from it?
'pai say'? You mean to say, some ppl worship EVERY sun, or EVERY Fri, they are also pai say? hmm..if im not wrong, they actually feel proud, passionate! They remain united, and strong. Of course, many of them went to exreme cases, but im not implying we all go extreme. But, the question is, why are we SOOOOO low in our self esteem?
Esp the older generation, many of them practice traditions for the sake of practicing. Deep down, they just wish to dump everything. And when they see ppl in other belief, they see with envy, praise..'oh their are so simple, so 'clean'. Oh..their are so profound and deep in knowledge'. going to sunday service is 'high class'..going to temple is 'superstitious'.
'you burn joss sticks ah? why so religious why so superstitious?'
'Ali, you going to mosque? pls go ahead then, its your religion, its impt'.
See the funny thing here? Its self esteem. Believers not having confidence in their own belief. Non-believer, seeing it with a big biase issue.
I dun blame non-believers. Cos many believers are really a big let down. 'i pray to tua pek kong, but im not a taoist leh'.
'hmm..i pray to ancestor..but erm..i dun really know whats going on leh..oh..ancestor worship is part of still not a taoist leh'.
'ya la..i admit i burn joss paper...i taoism de la...what? go temple? dun wan la..for wat?'.
All these common remarks are from common believers. Sad isnt it. Given to other religion, it will be rare to see all these. Worship is suppose to be 'chicken soup for the soul and mind' but surprisingly, chicken soup for the mind and soul, no one wants it. Chicken soup for the body, everybody wants it.
Deep and big problem, in which i do my little bit to set it right. Seem ambitious, but a thousand mile begins with a first tiny step.
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