This afternoon was at the gym.... as we all know, gym towels are all blue in color. I happened to bring my relatively new blue towel and haven label it.
I left it at one workout machine and when to the free weight area. After a short while, i realize i 'lost' my towel and immediately went back to the machine to retrive it back. I saw a guy on the phone, beside him on the railing was a blue towel. the machine was vacant and there was also a blue towel. Mistakely, i took the towel on the machine, thinking it was mine.
Out of sudden, this guy 'chut' at me. Yes, making the irritating sound 'chut chut' with his mouth and staring at me. This is so rude. i am just in front of him, he has a mouth, cant he SPEAK? IF i am far, using this 'chut' method, is still argueable 'reasonable'. But we are so near, cant we talk?
I apologized and the instructor nearby, which i think he must have noticed my missing towel, pointed to me the blue towel on the railing. I apologized and took the towel and turned away.
Rude fellow.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008

1 三国.见龙卸甲 Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
2 赤壁
正史却是"三国志" 。但是,都1800多年了,真假,很难分。
历史上有‘前后左右’四位蜀国(刘备)的大将 - 关公,张飞,黄忠,马超。
赵云是三国中少有的几位文武双全的武将之一,是自吕布之后的三国第一猛将,单骑救主即是其能力真实写照!但其谋略也相当了得,是刘备最为器重的大将。从事小心谨慎,人称常胜将军! 三国演义中,刘备亲赐五虎大将军的称号予关羽、张飞、赵云、马超、黄忠五人,赵云仅次于关张位居第三。但史传中赵云不但终其一生位阶始终较关张低上许多,甚至尚不及马超、黄忠。实际上,演义中除了孔明之外,溢美最多的人物恐怕就是赵云了。
最纳闷的是那个ABC - maggie Q...
1 三国.见龙卸甲 Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
2 赤壁
正史却是"三国志" 。但是,都1800多年了,真假,很难分。
历史上有‘前后左右’四位蜀国(刘备)的大将 - 关公,张飞,黄忠,马超。
赵云是三国中少有的几位文武双全的武将之一,是自吕布之后的三国第一猛将,单骑救主即是其能力真实写照!但其谋略也相当了得,是刘备最为器重的大将。从事小心谨慎,人称常胜将军! 三国演义中,刘备亲赐五虎大将军的称号予关羽、张飞、赵云、马超、黄忠五人,赵云仅次于关张位居第三。但史传中赵云不但终其一生位阶始终较关张低上许多,甚至尚不及马超、黄忠。实际上,演义中除了孔明之外,溢美最多的人物恐怕就是赵云了。
最纳闷的是那个ABC - maggie Q...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
congrats to Ma Ying Jiu

恭喜 马英九 高票当选台湾总统。国民党(KMT) 再次执政,台湾一片‘蓝天’。
PS: 小弟个人愚见,台湾是永远属于中国一部分的。

Monday, March 24, 2008
Yes, a success

Yesterday was the last day of our Taoist Day Celebration.
Just in case some of you didnt know, the celebration lasted from last TUE all the way to SUN. Tue and Wed were for the Taoism Talks, Thur, Fri, Sat were rituals. 12 rituals to be done in just 3 days!
We started at 9am DAILY and end at 9pm. After that, still got logistic, administrative and preparation work to do.
So folks, now you know, it is never easy to do big events. And cant say that its 'late liao, must go back' have to make sacrifices and take up the responsiblity.
Last night was the dinner night. Special thank to my friends, Jimmy and Wife, Alfred and Qing Yu, AK and Gabriel for attending. My family came too, thanks to you guys also.

Our GOH - Mr and Mrs Tharman, was very kind. They came, went to the stage and although a non-Taoist, still offer incense to our Lord Lao Zi. later they also out of goodwill donated money to us as well.
9 main religions in Singapore also went on stage to perform a min of prayer each.

Here and there, there were hiccups, well, we done our best, must admit we did not have sufficient preparation work done for the dinner night, cos we really have limited time left and too many things to handle. But we still do our best.
The guy who we invited to come and hold the auction did not appear. I and 1 of my fellow brother had to go to the stage to take over. It was really terok! It was really not my cup of tea, and i am rather tired, not prepared and blur. Mind blank liao. lol
well, what to do? it has happened and you need to do damage control. But i am really thankful that many kind supporters forgive our hiccups and still support us throughout. Things manage to proceed and ended happily. Personally i trust it is the grace of our Lord that make it all a success.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
First day - of Taoist Day Celebration
well..a blog is suppose to be place to blog about my life right. so this week is kinda 'religious' week for me. So there will be quite some postings with 'religious' stuff.
Why i put '' on the word religious? Cos its a funny term.
1 type of people avoid this term at all cost, because they are 'not interested' and 'alien' to it. (although they are still 'patang' and practice some beliefs).
another type of ppl see other religion as 'higher' class and ours are 'superstitious and therefore if you are associated with it, that makes you 'low class superstious' too.
For me, i dun care. because i know the reality is not the case.
Anyway, some pictures...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
is it worth it?
Its not whinning..but i feel that i should really pen it down. Just my personal thoughts.
I have a revision class in school, 830am later. And i just barely reached home. For these 1-2 weeks, i almostly totally devoted my time to preparing and helping out in the Taoist Day celebration.
Well, its volunteer work, out of interest, commitment and the passion in us, that push us to do it FOC.
Many people asked me, eh, how much u are paid? how much u get?
Well, is it everything we need to talk money? No right...
Yes i know, people will say, oh Jeremy, by making that statement, you are 'avoiding' the 'reality' and not practical. Kinda 'dumb' of you...sacrifice your time for 'nothing'.
Well, i seriously don't think so.
A set of traditions, a set of culture NEED people to pass on. It does not pass on 'automatically'. I know most cars are 'auto', but in real life, not all things are auto. Well, by able to understand this point, it prove that i am NOT avoiding reality. In fact i understand the hard and cruel of reality.
AND with the inevitable westernization and modernization, each individual's traditions and culture get 'difused'. Well, talking about 'unqiue' and 'special', isnt it many young generation seek to be? To be different. And if our traditions get 'diffused', that make ALL of us look the same, behave the same. So, there is a need to preserve traditions. And this again, is not an automatic process. You need people to set it right,work on it.
So far, i only mentioned 2 words - traditions, culture and NOT religion. Why? Because religion is a western invented term. For most Asians, Malay, Indian, Chinese, worship and belief is all part and parcel of life. part of norms, culture. No need to split it up into 'culture' and 'religion'. Without religion, traditions will be meaningless to hold on. So, by saying 'traditions' , it as good as saying inclusive of beliefs and religion.
why do it for free? Cos its not a business. do you earn money by serving your parents, helping your friend? no right? the same reason applies. Its OUR heritage. You wash and take care of the clothe you wear, you do not expect a 'salary' from doing laundry right.
Why avoid? Many people 'avoid' their belief. 'aiya, my parents take care can le', 'oh...dun wan la, pai say'. 'oh..thats for old ppl'.
old ppl? mean to say, these ppl are 'borned old'? Hey, they were once young too! And they hold on to their traditions since they were young! So in other words, it started off young too. And thus not something for the 'old'.
Parents doing it? Yes, our parents love us and its their duty to preserve the culture and tradition. But just like in a family, we all get involve. Interest only grow out from involvment and participation. Keeping it away from oneself only make one MORE alien and un-interested to it. SInce it is OUR thing, why we want to 'keep away' from it?
'pai say'? You mean to say, some ppl worship EVERY sun, or EVERY Fri, they are also pai say? hmm..if im not wrong, they actually feel proud, passionate! They remain united, and strong. Of course, many of them went to exreme cases, but im not implying we all go extreme. But, the question is, why are we SOOOOO low in our self esteem?
Esp the older generation, many of them practice traditions for the sake of practicing. Deep down, they just wish to dump everything. And when they see ppl in other belief, they see with envy, praise..'oh their are so simple, so 'clean'. Oh..their are so profound and deep in knowledge'. going to sunday service is 'high class'..going to temple is 'superstitious'.
'you burn joss sticks ah? why so religious why so superstitious?'
'Ali, you going to mosque? pls go ahead then, its your religion, its impt'.
See the funny thing here? Its self esteem. Believers not having confidence in their own belief. Non-believer, seeing it with a big biase issue.
I dun blame non-believers. Cos many believers are really a big let down. 'i pray to tua pek kong, but im not a taoist leh'.
'hmm..i pray to ancestor..but erm..i dun really know whats going on leh..oh..ancestor worship is part of still not a taoist leh'.
'ya la..i admit i burn joss paper...i taoism de la...what? go temple? dun wan la..for wat?'.
All these common remarks are from common believers. Sad isnt it. Given to other religion, it will be rare to see all these. Worship is suppose to be 'chicken soup for the soul and mind' but surprisingly, chicken soup for the mind and soul, no one wants it. Chicken soup for the body, everybody wants it.
Deep and big problem, in which i do my little bit to set it right. Seem ambitious, but a thousand mile begins with a first tiny step.
Its not whinning..but i feel that i should really pen it down. Just my personal thoughts.
I have a revision class in school, 830am later. And i just barely reached home. For these 1-2 weeks, i almostly totally devoted my time to preparing and helping out in the Taoist Day celebration.
Well, its volunteer work, out of interest, commitment and the passion in us, that push us to do it FOC.
Many people asked me, eh, how much u are paid? how much u get?
Well, is it everything we need to talk money? No right...
Yes i know, people will say, oh Jeremy, by making that statement, you are 'avoiding' the 'reality' and not practical. Kinda 'dumb' of you...sacrifice your time for 'nothing'.
Well, i seriously don't think so.
A set of traditions, a set of culture NEED people to pass on. It does not pass on 'automatically'. I know most cars are 'auto', but in real life, not all things are auto. Well, by able to understand this point, it prove that i am NOT avoiding reality. In fact i understand the hard and cruel of reality.
AND with the inevitable westernization and modernization, each individual's traditions and culture get 'difused'. Well, talking about 'unqiue' and 'special', isnt it many young generation seek to be? To be different. And if our traditions get 'diffused', that make ALL of us look the same, behave the same. So, there is a need to preserve traditions. And this again, is not an automatic process. You need people to set it right,work on it.
So far, i only mentioned 2 words - traditions, culture and NOT religion. Why? Because religion is a western invented term. For most Asians, Malay, Indian, Chinese, worship and belief is all part and parcel of life. part of norms, culture. No need to split it up into 'culture' and 'religion'. Without religion, traditions will be meaningless to hold on. So, by saying 'traditions' , it as good as saying inclusive of beliefs and religion.
why do it for free? Cos its not a business. do you earn money by serving your parents, helping your friend? no right? the same reason applies. Its OUR heritage. You wash and take care of the clothe you wear, you do not expect a 'salary' from doing laundry right.
Why avoid? Many people 'avoid' their belief. 'aiya, my parents take care can le', 'oh...dun wan la, pai say'. 'oh..thats for old ppl'.
old ppl? mean to say, these ppl are 'borned old'? Hey, they were once young too! And they hold on to their traditions since they were young! So in other words, it started off young too. And thus not something for the 'old'.
Parents doing it? Yes, our parents love us and its their duty to preserve the culture and tradition. But just like in a family, we all get involve. Interest only grow out from involvment and participation. Keeping it away from oneself only make one MORE alien and un-interested to it. SInce it is OUR thing, why we want to 'keep away' from it?
'pai say'? You mean to say, some ppl worship EVERY sun, or EVERY Fri, they are also pai say? hmm..if im not wrong, they actually feel proud, passionate! They remain united, and strong. Of course, many of them went to exreme cases, but im not implying we all go extreme. But, the question is, why are we SOOOOO low in our self esteem?
Esp the older generation, many of them practice traditions for the sake of practicing. Deep down, they just wish to dump everything. And when they see ppl in other belief, they see with envy, praise..'oh their are so simple, so 'clean'. Oh..their are so profound and deep in knowledge'. going to sunday service is 'high class'..going to temple is 'superstitious'.
'you burn joss sticks ah? why so religious why so superstitious?'
'Ali, you going to mosque? pls go ahead then, its your religion, its impt'.
See the funny thing here? Its self esteem. Believers not having confidence in their own belief. Non-believer, seeing it with a big biase issue.
I dun blame non-believers. Cos many believers are really a big let down. 'i pray to tua pek kong, but im not a taoist leh'.
'hmm..i pray to ancestor..but erm..i dun really know whats going on leh..oh..ancestor worship is part of still not a taoist leh'.
'ya la..i admit i burn joss paper...i taoism de la...what? go temple? dun wan la..for wat?'.
All these common remarks are from common believers. Sad isnt it. Given to other religion, it will be rare to see all these. Worship is suppose to be 'chicken soup for the soul and mind' but surprisingly, chicken soup for the mind and soul, no one wants it. Chicken soup for the body, everybody wants it.
Deep and big problem, in which i do my little bit to set it right. Seem ambitious, but a thousand mile begins with a first tiny step.
What Tarot Card are You?
You are The Hierophant
Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.
All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.
The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.
What Tarot Card are You?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
why like that de?
Finally my prelim over. Rest away, do my other things first..then after 1 week or 1.5 week later..i start my re-revision for my final exams.
Yea. Drill and drill. practice make perfect! Cannot make same mistake as last year... in life...2nd chance is rare...3rd chance? FAT hope. Do it once, do it right.
First paper, HRM.... sort of prepared for it.... so its ok. Second paper, Social Psychology...3rd paper...Marketing... also prepared liao... just go there write and write until my hands cramp.. so its also ok.
3 qualitative paper..more then over 12 essasy style questions.. in just a 4 days! Long time no write liao... abit slow and my handwritting sucks. lolz
today POA was terrible. lolz.
partially i am really abit tired...didnt prepare well..and partially it was a really tough paper. We really need to drill more on it! And quanitative paper is always my weakest link. i am highly insensitive to numbers. I like theories more.
"It is never more practical then a good theory"
Well..apart for rantling on my prelim... i noticed something too.
Chin Chye, my good buddy birthday was yesterday. The day before, he went to the IT show with another friend and Chye treated this friend. Simple fare, KFC meal (that friend's request). This friend, also know Chye for almost 10 years and know chye's birthday. Pity he didnt join in the dinner treat later (he was busy).
There's a saying, if you are not free, at least give a gift right?
Yup. He didnt do that. He didnt go for the dinner treat, but chye did 'compensate', didnt he? and even if he didnt, as an old friend, meeting chye at a date near his birthday, shouldnt he do something? a gift? or treat back? even for coffee also good right?
Really THAT poor? i don't think so. Many people say they are poor, but their bank account still remains alot of '000'. And they can still spend money on themselve. No offence to anyone, i just feel that, with due respect and nothing wrong spending and pampering yourselve, do think and sacrifice abit on people around you, whom you cherish. Friendship, family, relative ties ALL need sacrifices to maintain and build.
Furthermore, everyone is 'old' enough to know the simple social logic of norms of reciprocity. Also, its 'standard' protocol de mah..aiyo. whay like that de?
Yea. Drill and drill. practice make perfect! Cannot make same mistake as last year... in life...2nd chance is rare...3rd chance? FAT hope. Do it once, do it right.
First paper, HRM.... sort of prepared for it.... so its ok. Second paper, Social Psychology...3rd paper...Marketing... also prepared liao... just go there write and write until my hands cramp.. so its also ok.
3 qualitative paper..more then over 12 essasy style questions.. in just a 4 days! Long time no write liao... abit slow and my handwritting sucks. lolz
today POA was terrible. lolz.
partially i am really abit tired...didnt prepare well..and partially it was a really tough paper. We really need to drill more on it! And quanitative paper is always my weakest link. i am highly insensitive to numbers. I like theories more.
"It is never more practical then a good theory"
Well..apart for rantling on my prelim... i noticed something too.
Chin Chye, my good buddy birthday was yesterday. The day before, he went to the IT show with another friend and Chye treated this friend. Simple fare, KFC meal (that friend's request). This friend, also know Chye for almost 10 years and know chye's birthday. Pity he didnt join in the dinner treat later (he was busy).
There's a saying, if you are not free, at least give a gift right?
Yup. He didnt do that. He didnt go for the dinner treat, but chye did 'compensate', didnt he? and even if he didnt, as an old friend, meeting chye at a date near his birthday, shouldnt he do something? a gift? or treat back? even for coffee also good right?
Really THAT poor? i don't think so. Many people say they are poor, but their bank account still remains alot of '000'. And they can still spend money on themselve. No offence to anyone, i just feel that, with due respect and nothing wrong spending and pampering yourselve, do think and sacrifice abit on people around you, whom you cherish. Friendship, family, relative ties ALL need sacrifices to maintain and build.
Furthermore, everyone is 'old' enough to know the simple social logic of norms of reciprocity. Also, its 'standard' protocol de mah..aiyo. whay like that de?
Happy Birthday Chin Chye!
Its chin chye bday!
9th of march... yeah. He is our good buddy and his 24th this year!
We all bought him present.. and he treated us to a wonderful dinner at Sakura, Orchard.
Its really happy to see many of us attended...Junrong, Zhonghan, Jiaying, Florence, Liqing, Tianping.. and me of course. Pity Tianhao cant join us.
Happy for all of us, after so many years, for some, its over 10 yrs of friendship, for some of us, nearly 10 yrs of friendship.
We will always cherish it. Friends Forever!!
Chinchye, hope u like the presents we gave you and may all your wishes come true one day!
Friday, March 7, 2008
jia lak
how ah..
this sat.
2 prelime papers! omg.
HRM 10-1pm
marketing 2-5pm.
HRM still can spot questions, spot totally new... past yr paper only got 2007!.....grrr...
this sat.
2 prelime papers! omg.
HRM 10-1pm
marketing 2-5pm.
HRM still can spot questions, spot totally new... past yr paper only got 2007!.....grrr...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
但是,模拟考试(prelim,aka mock exam)是非常重要的。它让我们有心理准备面对,应付两个月后的正式大考。它也为我们这些学生提供一些大考题目的‘提示’。
今天是social psychology试卷-社会心理学。伤脑筋的一科。很多词汇要记得。
Illusory Correlation. Demand Characteristic. Social Comparison, Social Identity Theory. False Consensus Effect. Normative Social Influence. Informational Social Influence. Referent Informational Influence. Public Compliance. Schema. Stereotype ETC. 真的是TMD。
但是,模拟考试(prelim,aka mock exam)是非常重要的。它让我们有心理准备面对,应付两个月后的正式大考。它也为我们这些学生提供一些大考题目的‘提示’。
今天是social psychology试卷-社会心理学。伤脑筋的一科。很多词汇要记得。
Illusory Correlation. Demand Characteristic. Social Comparison, Social Identity Theory. False Consensus Effect. Normative Social Influence. Informational Social Influence. Referent Informational Influence. Public Compliance. Schema. Stereotype ETC. 真的是TMD。
Monday, March 3, 2008
Escaped Terrorist
March 3, 2008
Security firm offers $1,000 reward to staff to track down JI fugitive A SECURITY service firm is offering a $1,000 reward to its 250 officers to help track down terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari, who has been on the run for more than five days now. Metropolis Security Systems, who employs 250 guards in over 55 industrial, residential and commercial sites, put up the bounty in an internal circular to all its staff on Monday. The notice, issued by the firm's General Manager James Soh, said the $1,000 reward is 'for any information leading to the successful capture and arrest' of JI detainee Mas Selamat, the militant leader of the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) network in Singapore. 'With over 250 officers deployed island-wide, we hope to cover some grounds and hopefully mobilise our resources to help the authority,' Mr Mutaza Sarbini, Metropolis operations manager, told The Straits Times. 'We also believe that collective effort by security associations and other private security agencies in Singapore to consolidate effort and resources could bring about synergy and joint-effort with the Police in addressing the security issue at hand.'
Many Singaporeans and Netizens have suggested offering a reward to the public for information leading to the whereabouts of the fugitive, who escaped from a toilet in the Whitley Road Detention Centre last Wednesday at 4.05pm, where he had been held under the Internal Security Act. Authorities believe he acted alone and is still in Singapore.
More than 1,000 police and security personnel are deployed in a nationwide search for Mas Selamat, who was linked to a plot to hijack a plane and crash it into the Singapore's Changi Airport. Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng said on Sunday that there there was no evidence that Mas Selamat, a Singaporean, has fled the country. Asked if the Government would offer a reward for the arrest of the JI fugitive, Mr Wong said 'this is not the practice of the police'. Police have warned that Mas Selamat should be regarded as a dangerous man and advised against confronting him. Given that it has more than 100 hours since his flight, he could already have changed his physical appearance, using disguises such as sunglasses, headdresses or caps, said police, adding that he may resort to stealing clothes and food to survive. Over 54,000 posters and leaflets of the wanted man have been put up at public places and distributed to residents across Singapore.
[quote]Asked if the Government would offer a reward for the arrest of the JI fugitive, Mr Wong said 'this is not the practice of the police'.
is it morally 'wrong' to have reward?
now its about getting things done, which is arresting this bugger, and we have 'i am sorry' talking about 'norms(practices) of the police'.
i'll throw back the question to 'him'(i am sorry), is letting a terrorist escape on a toliet trip A PRACTICE of the police?
is it morally 'wrong' to have reward?
now its about getting things done, which is arresting this bugger, and we have 'i am sorry' talking about 'norms(practices) of the police'.
i'll throw back the question to 'him'(i am sorry), is letting a terrorist escape on a toliet trip A PRACTICE of the police?
Sunday, March 2, 2008
1st march
got make up lesson today..HRM... its one of the few extremely rare cases where i got morning 830am class this term..cos i planned all my lesson in the afternoon.
Although i wake up rather early (sending my sis to sch too), i prefer to go to sch in afternoon.. :)
Well, partially to avoid the terrible morning jam.. Hmm..however im a person that actually like to start my day in early too. So i might consider making my lessons back to morning in next term.
Now is preparation for prelim, after that intensive revision, then exams in may...hopefully i can do well. Haiz.
This afternoon my friend called me, saying something wrong with my blog, heng its back to normal when i logon now.
this coming wed is my social psychology prelim...already started preparing...hopefully i can do it good.
Anyway, this afternoon after class, was chatting with some friends over lunch at Ngee Ann Alumi. Wow.. we really chatted everything under the sun!
From exams, to studies, work, Eygpt culture, history, Macro Polo, Qin Shihuang, reincarnation, aliens, galaxies, universe, sun, earth, deep sea animals, water horse, light years, stars etc. Amazing how we can chit chat that amount of topics in 2 hrs.
Well, i do believe the world is still full of unexplored, unexplained stuffs, full of mysteries waiting for us to discover. As compared, man is really a 'small' part....
Some people may thing, we are too imaginative to talk about such things, to think about such things, we should be talking about our future, $$$ etc. Hmm..yes its REALLY important, but is it thats all?
Lydia Sum left behind a hugh sum of money for her daughter. At the end of the day, she left the world empty handed too. Does her daughter rather want the money or her mum back?
We can have $1 million assets, but if the world changed, room temperature become as high as 40 degrees, the earth is sick and our children faces great natural disaster threat. Hmm.. are we still 'happy' that we have $1 million?
Well...some food for thought. Paper qualifications, money is EXTREMELY vital in improving our living conditions, BUT its not everything.
Spend time admiring mother nature and pounder over the vast galaxies.. we learn to embrace and be more tolerant this way.. the world is so big.
Although i wake up rather early (sending my sis to sch too), i prefer to go to sch in afternoon.. :)
Well, partially to avoid the terrible morning jam.. Hmm..however im a person that actually like to start my day in early too. So i might consider making my lessons back to morning in next term.
Now is preparation for prelim, after that intensive revision, then exams in may...hopefully i can do well. Haiz.
This afternoon my friend called me, saying something wrong with my blog, heng its back to normal when i logon now.
this coming wed is my social psychology prelim...already started preparing...hopefully i can do it good.
Anyway, this afternoon after class, was chatting with some friends over lunch at Ngee Ann Alumi. Wow.. we really chatted everything under the sun!
From exams, to studies, work, Eygpt culture, history, Macro Polo, Qin Shihuang, reincarnation, aliens, galaxies, universe, sun, earth, deep sea animals, water horse, light years, stars etc. Amazing how we can chit chat that amount of topics in 2 hrs.
Well, i do believe the world is still full of unexplored, unexplained stuffs, full of mysteries waiting for us to discover. As compared, man is really a 'small' part....
Some people may thing, we are too imaginative to talk about such things, to think about such things, we should be talking about our future, $$$ etc. Hmm..yes its REALLY important, but is it thats all?
Lydia Sum left behind a hugh sum of money for her daughter. At the end of the day, she left the world empty handed too. Does her daughter rather want the money or her mum back?
We can have $1 million assets, but if the world changed, room temperature become as high as 40 degrees, the earth is sick and our children faces great natural disaster threat. Hmm.. are we still 'happy' that we have $1 million?
Well...some food for thought. Paper qualifications, money is EXTREMELY vital in improving our living conditions, BUT its not everything.
Spend time admiring mother nature and pounder over the vast galaxies.. we learn to embrace and be more tolerant this way.. the world is so big.
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