Yes, finally i blogged again.
Just back from Beijing and Taipei and i have took plenty of photos. Those interested can refer to my facebook for the pictures.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dead Sea Scroll
I visited the Dead Sea Scroll at the Art House on saturday. Well, im not a Christian, but i am interested in the historical development of religions.
Ah, its the first time i went to an exhibition alone. The feeling is good, peaceful and undisturbed. I can slowly study the exhibites, read up the explanation without any distraction or concern.
For those who think the Dead Sea Scroll is displayed or comes in a 'scroll', then i am afraid one will be disappointed. No, its not a scroll but tiny fragments like potato chips. They are darken and through infra red, the wordings can be seen and its amazing how people piece all these tens of thousands of fragments together.
To know more, we can just google it. I will be posting some pics taken shortly..thru my hp camera..
Ah, its the first time i went to an exhibition alone. The feeling is good, peaceful and undisturbed. I can slowly study the exhibites, read up the explanation without any distraction or concern.
For those who think the Dead Sea Scroll is displayed or comes in a 'scroll', then i am afraid one will be disappointed. No, its not a scroll but tiny fragments like potato chips. They are darken and through infra red, the wordings can be seen and its amazing how people piece all these tens of thousands of fragments together.
To know more, we can just google it. I will be posting some pics taken shortly..thru my hp camera..
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Invest in history to secure the future
I love history. Below is an article in which i fully support!
Invest in history to secure the future
Overhaul teaching of history to get students interested and involved
Sep 7, 2009 Monday
Home > Singapore > Story
By Eisen Teo
HISTORY is boring. Dead boring.
That's the refrain of about half a dozen secondary school students I've talked to in the course of my work.
History is just about a bunch of facts and dates we have to cram for exams, they say. And what's the significance of these facts and dates? They shrug; they aren't sure.
Never mind that part of their O-level history examination is 'source-based', that is, testing their ability to assess the purpose, arguments and credibility of a historical source, such as a text excerpt, speech or interview.
Everything still boils down to facts, facts and more facts. If you don't hit the books and know what happened at this date, you're done for.
With just two or three school periods a week - that's no more than 11/2 hours - given over to history, the beleaguered teacher has little time or incentive to make the lesson more interesting. The priority still remains making sure the students know what's going to be tested inside out.
No wonder history just becomes another boring subject to get over and be done with.
So what, you may ask.
The long-term repercussions may be severe: a generation of Singaporeans with little knowledge or interest in how Singapore came to be, and little understanding of the world around them.
In 2005, eight 15-year-old students at a school band leadership camp named their team 'Hitler' because they admired the dictator's leadership qualities.
In hindsight, teachers said, their support for the man responsible for the death of millions during World War II was a combination of ignorance and a lack of understanding of history.
When founding father S. Rajaratnam died the following year, many young Singaporeans were left scratching their heads as to who he was, even though they recited every morning, hand on heart, the Pledge that he had penned.
Do we really want such ignorance and apathy?
The Government wants young people to remain rooted to the land in which they were born, long after they fly the coop. This was one of the 10 challenges Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong threw to policymakers last month.
A strong grounding in history may be the fertile soil for those roots. A keen interest in Singapore's history and world history in general helps one understand this country's place in the world.
Learning from past mistakes and taking a critical approach towards all'truths' are other useful side benefits of a fruitful time spent on history.
What's the solution, then?
To me, nothing short of an overhaul of how history is taught in schools.
Make history exams open-book. A radical move but it'll test what's most crucial: the analytical skills that not just a student of history, but any student, needs - not his ability to memorise facts and dates.
With this change, the history textbook will morph from an enemy into a friend, to be consulted at all times - and students will find it less onerous to read.
The curriculum must also move away from the raw presentation of events to the discussion of historical issues and methods of history, known as historiography.
Many historical facts can never be disputed - for example, the fact that Raffles set up a port in Singapore in 1819, or that two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945.
But the same facts can be employed to paint different narratives.
Depending on which sources one looks at, it could be argued that 1819 heralded the beginning of modern Singapore - or was simply the start of the latest in a series of trading emporiums on the island.
The latter thesis will be put forth in Singapore, A 700-Year History: From Early Emporium To World City, a new book by historians Tan Tai Yong, Derek Heng and Kwa Chong Guan.
Only then will students realise that historical texts are written long after the fact as a means to an end which varies with the author and the society he comes from. It will foster the beginnings of a healthy scepticism and sense of reality.
Is it too early for secondary school students to grasp such concepts? It's worth a try to grab their fleeting attention.
The alternative is a lifelong rejection of anything to do with history.
And oh, please do devote at least an hour more a week to history. Take it as an investment for our future.
Invest in history to secure the future
Overhaul teaching of history to get students interested and involved
Sep 7, 2009 Monday
Home > Singapore > Story
By Eisen Teo
HISTORY is boring. Dead boring.
That's the refrain of about half a dozen secondary school students I've talked to in the course of my work.
History is just about a bunch of facts and dates we have to cram for exams, they say. And what's the significance of these facts and dates? They shrug; they aren't sure.
Never mind that part of their O-level history examination is 'source-based', that is, testing their ability to assess the purpose, arguments and credibility of a historical source, such as a text excerpt, speech or interview.
Everything still boils down to facts, facts and more facts. If you don't hit the books and know what happened at this date, you're done for.
With just two or three school periods a week - that's no more than 11/2 hours - given over to history, the beleaguered teacher has little time or incentive to make the lesson more interesting. The priority still remains making sure the students know what's going to be tested inside out.
No wonder history just becomes another boring subject to get over and be done with.
So what, you may ask.
The long-term repercussions may be severe: a generation of Singaporeans with little knowledge or interest in how Singapore came to be, and little understanding of the world around them.
In 2005, eight 15-year-old students at a school band leadership camp named their team 'Hitler' because they admired the dictator's leadership qualities.
In hindsight, teachers said, their support for the man responsible for the death of millions during World War II was a combination of ignorance and a lack of understanding of history.
When founding father S. Rajaratnam died the following year, many young Singaporeans were left scratching their heads as to who he was, even though they recited every morning, hand on heart, the Pledge that he had penned.
Do we really want such ignorance and apathy?
The Government wants young people to remain rooted to the land in which they were born, long after they fly the coop. This was one of the 10 challenges Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong threw to policymakers last month.
A strong grounding in history may be the fertile soil for those roots. A keen interest in Singapore's history and world history in general helps one understand this country's place in the world.
Learning from past mistakes and taking a critical approach towards all'truths' are other useful side benefits of a fruitful time spent on history.
What's the solution, then?
To me, nothing short of an overhaul of how history is taught in schools.
Make history exams open-book. A radical move but it'll test what's most crucial: the analytical skills that not just a student of history, but any student, needs - not his ability to memorise facts and dates.
With this change, the history textbook will morph from an enemy into a friend, to be consulted at all times - and students will find it less onerous to read.
The curriculum must also move away from the raw presentation of events to the discussion of historical issues and methods of history, known as historiography.
Many historical facts can never be disputed - for example, the fact that Raffles set up a port in Singapore in 1819, or that two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945.
But the same facts can be employed to paint different narratives.
Depending on which sources one looks at, it could be argued that 1819 heralded the beginning of modern Singapore - or was simply the start of the latest in a series of trading emporiums on the island.
The latter thesis will be put forth in Singapore, A 700-Year History: From Early Emporium To World City, a new book by historians Tan Tai Yong, Derek Heng and Kwa Chong Guan.
Only then will students realise that historical texts are written long after the fact as a means to an end which varies with the author and the society he comes from. It will foster the beginnings of a healthy scepticism and sense of reality.
Is it too early for secondary school students to grasp such concepts? It's worth a try to grab their fleeting attention.
The alternative is a lifelong rejection of anything to do with history.
And oh, please do devote at least an hour more a week to history. Take it as an investment for our future.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
昨晚到怡丰城GV Mx看电影 - GI JOE。
故事完毕 - 是不是有点‘没头没尾’?
故事完毕 - 是不是有点‘没头没尾’?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Help Others Where You Can
Help Others Where You Can
A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win.
All, that is, except one boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. They all turned around and went back. Every one of them.
One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, "This will make it better."
All nine linked arms and walked across the finish line together.
Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we know this one thing:
What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves.
What truly matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.
Origins: The story is more true than not, although its primary point has been grossly exaggerated. According to folks at the Special Olympics Washington office, the incident happened at a 1976 track and field event held in Spokane , Washington . A contestant did take a tumble, and one or two of the other athletes turned back to help the fallen one, culminating in their crossing the finish line together, but it was only one or two, not everyone in the event. The others continued to run their race.
The story is thus not about an entire class of "special people" who spontaneously tossed aside their own dreams of going for gold in favor of helping a fallen competitor, but rather one about a couple of individuals who chose to go to the aid of another contestant. Unfortunately, this tale as it is now being told helps further a stereotype that deficiencies in intelligence are compensated for by unfailingly sweet natures and a way of looking at the world in childlike wonder. Special Olympians train long and hard for their events and are every bit as committed as athletes who compete in any other athletic endeavors. The Special Olympics are not a casual get-together organized to give less fortunate members of the community a day to socialize and perhaps run in a foot race or two. They're highly organized sporting events taken very seriously by all involved, with each competitor striving to do his best. It's about trying. And succeeding.
The Special Olympics oath is "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win.
All, that is, except one boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. They all turned around and went back. Every one of them.
One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, "This will make it better."
All nine linked arms and walked across the finish line together.
Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we know this one thing:
What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves.
What truly matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.
Origins: The story is more true than not, although its primary point has been grossly exaggerated. According to folks at the Special Olympics Washington office, the incident happened at a 1976 track and field event held in Spokane , Washington . A contestant did take a tumble, and one or two of the other athletes turned back to help the fallen one, culminating in their crossing the finish line together, but it was only one or two, not everyone in the event. The others continued to run their race.
The story is thus not about an entire class of "special people" who spontaneously tossed aside their own dreams of going for gold in favor of helping a fallen competitor, but rather one about a couple of individuals who chose to go to the aid of another contestant. Unfortunately, this tale as it is now being told helps further a stereotype that deficiencies in intelligence are compensated for by unfailingly sweet natures and a way of looking at the world in childlike wonder. Special Olympians train long and hard for their events and are every bit as committed as athletes who compete in any other athletic endeavors. The Special Olympics are not a casual get-together organized to give less fortunate members of the community a day to socialize and perhaps run in a foot race or two. They're highly organized sporting events taken very seriously by all involved, with each competitor striving to do his best. It's about trying. And succeeding.
The Special Olympics oath is "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
2009 年6月27-28日 吉隆坡之旅
2009 年6月27-28日 吉隆坡之旅
已经从吉隆坡之旅回来近两天,原本要上载一些照片,无奈BLOGSPOT 应该是出现了一些故障,无法上载。只好等到明天再尝试。
已经从吉隆坡之旅回来近两天,原本要上载一些照片,无奈BLOGSPOT 应该是出现了一些故障,无法上载。只好等到明天再尝试。
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What a dog teaches us
A dog teaches us a lot of things, but we never seem to take notice. These are some of the lessons you might learn…
· When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
· Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
· Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
· When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience.
· Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory.
· Take naps and stretch before rising.
· Run romp and play daily.
· Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
· Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.
· On warm days stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days drink lots of water and
lay under a shady tree.
· When you’re happy dance around and wag your entire body.
· No matter how often you’re scolded don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back
and make friends.
· Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
· Eat with gusto and enthusiasm, stop when you have had enough.
· Be loyal.
· Never pretend to be something you’re not.
· If what you want lies buried dig until you find it.
· When someone is having a bad day be silent, sit close by… and nuzzle them gently.
· When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
· Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
· Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
· When it’s in your best interest, practice obedience.
· Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory.
· Take naps and stretch before rising.
· Run romp and play daily.
· Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
· Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.
· On warm days stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days drink lots of water and
lay under a shady tree.
· When you’re happy dance around and wag your entire body.
· No matter how often you’re scolded don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back
and make friends.
· Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
· Eat with gusto and enthusiasm, stop when you have had enough.
· Be loyal.
· Never pretend to be something you’re not.
· If what you want lies buried dig until you find it.
· When someone is having a bad day be silent, sit close by… and nuzzle them gently.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Don't try to change the world to suit only you..
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony.
He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows' skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, "Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money ? Why don't you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?"
The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a "shoe" for himself.
There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story : to make this world a happy place to live, you better change yourself - your heart; and not the world.
He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows' skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, "Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money ? Why don't you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?"
The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a "shoe" for himself.
There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story : to make this world a happy place to live, you better change yourself - your heart; and not the world.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Don't let traditions and festivals vanish
Finally exams over, im back to post...something to share:
June 3, 2009 Wednesday Home > ST Forum >
Online Story
Don't let traditions and festivals vanish
I AM in my late teens and am upset that many youth these days take various customs and festivals lightly.
Festivals under the lunar calendar, such as the Hungry Ghost Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, go unnoticed by youth. Some do not even know their history.
In the past, people would pray to the deceased throughout the month during the Hungry Ghost Festival. There would also be getai performances.
But times have changed and youth do not bother to carry on the tradition. They also do not support getai performances.
During the Mid-Autumn and Dragon Boat Festivals, they know only that it is time to eat mooncakes and dumplings. A few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, I overheard a group of secondary school students saying: "There's no need to celebrate such things. We are not in China. Just eat dumplings."
With such a mindset, I fear that Singapore's youth will not only lose their traditional beliefs, but also forget the history and significance of such festivals.
My suggestion is to have exhibitions at various locations in Singapore where youth hang out.
The Education Ministry should promote such traditions in schools. If not, in a decade's time, such activities and traditions will be wiped out from the lives of Singaporeans.
Tan Shao Ken
June 3, 2009 Wednesday Home > ST Forum >
Online Story
Don't let traditions and festivals vanish
I AM in my late teens and am upset that many youth these days take various customs and festivals lightly.
Festivals under the lunar calendar, such as the Hungry Ghost Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, go unnoticed by youth. Some do not even know their history.
In the past, people would pray to the deceased throughout the month during the Hungry Ghost Festival. There would also be getai performances.
But times have changed and youth do not bother to carry on the tradition. They also do not support getai performances.
During the Mid-Autumn and Dragon Boat Festivals, they know only that it is time to eat mooncakes and dumplings. A few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, I overheard a group of secondary school students saying: "There's no need to celebrate such things. We are not in China. Just eat dumplings."
With such a mindset, I fear that Singapore's youth will not only lose their traditional beliefs, but also forget the history and significance of such festivals.
My suggestion is to have exhibitions at various locations in Singapore where youth hang out.
The Education Ministry should promote such traditions in schools. If not, in a decade's time, such activities and traditions will be wiped out from the lives of Singaporeans.
Tan Shao Ken
Saturday, May 16, 2009
im still around..
just want to still alive!
Didnt post much recently...cos of exam period and internet access down... but i start to post more soon...
pretty stressed up with something... argg..i really hate calculative subjects..
Didnt post much recently...cos of exam period and internet access down... but i start to post more soon...
pretty stressed up with something... argg..i really hate calculative subjects..
Sunday, April 19, 2009
As usual
As usual, evidence and result show that i am still inclined in more theory based matters instead of doing maths and accounts....
Haha... Well, i just feel that writing arguments, doing articles debating and discussing are much interesting in punching numbers onto calculators or memorizing alien formulae...
Haha... Well, i just feel that writing arguments, doing articles debating and discussing are much interesting in punching numbers onto calculators or memorizing alien formulae...
Monday, April 13, 2009
'Why do we shout in anger?' A saint asked his disciples, 'Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?' His disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.''But, why do you shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the saint. 'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice?
Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.'
Then the saint asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small...'The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.
'MORAL' said the saint: 'When you argue do not let your hearts get distant, do not say words that distance each other more, else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return!'
'Why do we shout in anger?' A saint asked his disciples, 'Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?' His disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.''But, why do you shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the saint. 'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice?
Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.'
Then the saint asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small...'The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.
'MORAL' said the saint: 'When you argue do not let your hearts get distant, do not say words that distance each other more, else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return!'
Sunday, April 5, 2009
讽刺的是,现代科技日新月异,极为发达;可是人与人之间的沟通好像不比从前来的真诚,坦诚,果断。我觉得这是值得反省的一件事情 -我们现代人之间的距离,是拉近了,还是更加疏远?
讽刺的是,现代科技日新月异,极为发达;可是人与人之间的沟通好像不比从前来的真诚,坦诚,果断。我觉得这是值得反省的一件事情 -我们现代人之间的距离,是拉近了,还是更加疏远?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Read more readers' responses here: http://www.straitst ST%2BForum/ Story/STIStory_ 351862.html
STRAITS TIMES Home > ST Forum > Story March 19, 2009
MANDARIN VS DIALECTS The debate continues
Forget about dialects, stick to Mandarin
I AGREE thoroughly with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's view in his speech on Tuesday at the launch of the Speak Mandarin Campaign, which was reproduced in The Straits Times yesterday, 'Nurturing a key advantage'. We do not lose much if we discard dialects. Learning dialects will affect the learning of English and Mandarin Chinese Singaporeans should forget about dialects and stick to Mandarin. Language is a tool and we should use the best tool available. Cultural and other values can be dissociated from languages. Mexicans use Spanish, but culturally, they are not exactly Spaniards. Many Malays do not know Arabic, but they are Muslims. Most Christians do not read Hebrew or Latin. One may not realise that most Chinese Singaporeans speak Chinese dialects at a very superficial conversational level.
They have difficulty in expressing abstract terms or ideas with some depth in dialects. Few Cantonese here can speak Cantonese as eloquently as people educated in Hong Kong, who have used Cantonese in school and at home - and paid the price of not being fluent in Mandarin, Similarly, few Hokkiens in Singapore are able to make a formal speech or read a literary piece in the southern Hokkien dialect. Literary Hokkien and conversational Hokkien vary quite a great deal in the pronunciation of many words.
We do not lose much if we discard dialects. Learning dialects will affect the learning of English and Mandarin, as MM Lee has pointed out. People from Chinese Peranakan families generally speak better English than others because they do not have to divert much of their energy and time to learning Chinese. Most of us are not born with great linguistic talent and can do well in only one or two languages.
In spite of our claim of being bilingual, some of us are actually non-lingual, hovering between Singlish and substandard Mandarin. We should concentrate on English and Mandarin and leave the talented ones to go beyond. The Chinese have a saying that wide knowledge does not come with depth.
Ong Siew Chey
Mandarin useful but it may not be our mother tongue
I REFER to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's speech at Tuesday's launch of this year's Speak Mandarin Campaign. There is a need to differentiate between Mandarin as a mother tongue and as a useful language for communicating better with others. As an example, MM Lee compares Mandarin to Cantonese, noting that Mandarin allows one to reach 1.3 billion people in China whereas Cantonese connects a speaker to only 100 million people in Guangdong and Hong Kong, thereby making Mandarin more 'useful' than a dialect like Cantonese. He encourages the use of Mandarin over dialects, noting that there are 'strong emotional ties to one's mother tongue' and how in two generations, 'Mandarin will become our mother tongue'.
Clearly, there is a distinction between today's mother tongue and Mandarin. But the study of Mandarin here is categorised by the Education Ministry as the study of one's mother tongue, and not as a useful language to communicate with other cultures or communities. In addition, this categorisation of mother tongue versus usefulness is ignored completely by the Speak Mandarin Campaign, whose aim, according to its website, is to encourage people to 'embrace speaking Mandarin and enjoy an appreciation for Chinese culture and language'.
This clearly emphasises Mandarin as a mother tongue rather than as a useful language. The problem with categorising Mandarin as a mother tongue is that no recognition is given to the fact that most Chinese Singaporean families today were born and bred in the Straits Settlements for more than 100 years and have developed their own culture, heritage, identity and language. For example, the terms Peranakan, Baba and Nonya refer to people of Chinese descent who emigrated here in the 15th century and who have since been recognised as having their own culture.
It is well documented that this group retained much of their ethnic and religious origins, which is Chinese, but also assimilated much of the Malay language and culture. Since they are in fact of Chinese descent, should we now make Mandarin their mother tongue?
The classification of Mandarin, or any other language, as one's mother tongue touches the very heart of a person's culture, identity and history. When I was growing up, I spoke Hokkien, watched Cantonese dramas and listened to my father converse in Hakka with the neighbours. Am I and my children supposed to ignore our roots and claim Mandarin as our mother tongue?
Patrick Khoo
I agree more to Mr Patrick Khoo the Reader Ong in earlier reply. Does Ong truely know what is culture? Can Culture REALLY be disasociated with language? This sound very absurb to me! For what i understand, Culture consist of language and values, which cannot be seperated.
'many' people here cannot speak fluent dialect? 'few' people can speak good dialect? Did this reader do any statistical research? I disagree that many people here cant speak good dialect. I seen many who can speak fluent dialect.
Our forefathers came from souther part of China. Mandrian is NOT the mother tongue. Mandrian, aka pu tong hua is from Northern China. It might be good to know Chinese, useful to learn and even important to understand Chinese. All Chinese, regardless of any dialects should learn Chinese, to standardize and Chinese is still part of our Chinese culture. However, when it comes to the roots of our language, mother tongue, it is NOT Chinese, but dialect. I think no one can erase this historical FACT.
I, for one, would continue to improve my own dialect(cantonese), speak whenever i got the chance and will let my children learn dialect, beside English and Chinese.
STRAITS TIMES Home > ST Forum > Story March 19, 2009
MANDARIN VS DIALECTS The debate continues
Forget about dialects, stick to Mandarin
I AGREE thoroughly with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's view in his speech on Tuesday at the launch of the Speak Mandarin Campaign, which was reproduced in The Straits Times yesterday, 'Nurturing a key advantage'. We do not lose much if we discard dialects. Learning dialects will affect the learning of English and Mandarin Chinese Singaporeans should forget about dialects and stick to Mandarin. Language is a tool and we should use the best tool available. Cultural and other values can be dissociated from languages. Mexicans use Spanish, but culturally, they are not exactly Spaniards. Many Malays do not know Arabic, but they are Muslims. Most Christians do not read Hebrew or Latin. One may not realise that most Chinese Singaporeans speak Chinese dialects at a very superficial conversational level.
They have difficulty in expressing abstract terms or ideas with some depth in dialects. Few Cantonese here can speak Cantonese as eloquently as people educated in Hong Kong, who have used Cantonese in school and at home - and paid the price of not being fluent in Mandarin, Similarly, few Hokkiens in Singapore are able to make a formal speech or read a literary piece in the southern Hokkien dialect. Literary Hokkien and conversational Hokkien vary quite a great deal in the pronunciation of many words.
We do not lose much if we discard dialects. Learning dialects will affect the learning of English and Mandarin, as MM Lee has pointed out. People from Chinese Peranakan families generally speak better English than others because they do not have to divert much of their energy and time to learning Chinese. Most of us are not born with great linguistic talent and can do well in only one or two languages.
In spite of our claim of being bilingual, some of us are actually non-lingual, hovering between Singlish and substandard Mandarin. We should concentrate on English and Mandarin and leave the talented ones to go beyond. The Chinese have a saying that wide knowledge does not come with depth.
Ong Siew Chey
Mandarin useful but it may not be our mother tongue
I REFER to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's speech at Tuesday's launch of this year's Speak Mandarin Campaign. There is a need to differentiate between Mandarin as a mother tongue and as a useful language for communicating better with others. As an example, MM Lee compares Mandarin to Cantonese, noting that Mandarin allows one to reach 1.3 billion people in China whereas Cantonese connects a speaker to only 100 million people in Guangdong and Hong Kong, thereby making Mandarin more 'useful' than a dialect like Cantonese. He encourages the use of Mandarin over dialects, noting that there are 'strong emotional ties to one's mother tongue' and how in two generations, 'Mandarin will become our mother tongue'.
Clearly, there is a distinction between today's mother tongue and Mandarin. But the study of Mandarin here is categorised by the Education Ministry as the study of one's mother tongue, and not as a useful language to communicate with other cultures or communities. In addition, this categorisation of mother tongue versus usefulness is ignored completely by the Speak Mandarin Campaign, whose aim, according to its website, is to encourage people to 'embrace speaking Mandarin and enjoy an appreciation for Chinese culture and language'.
This clearly emphasises Mandarin as a mother tongue rather than as a useful language. The problem with categorising Mandarin as a mother tongue is that no recognition is given to the fact that most Chinese Singaporean families today were born and bred in the Straits Settlements for more than 100 years and have developed their own culture, heritage, identity and language. For example, the terms Peranakan, Baba and Nonya refer to people of Chinese descent who emigrated here in the 15th century and who have since been recognised as having their own culture.
It is well documented that this group retained much of their ethnic and religious origins, which is Chinese, but also assimilated much of the Malay language and culture. Since they are in fact of Chinese descent, should we now make Mandarin their mother tongue?
The classification of Mandarin, or any other language, as one's mother tongue touches the very heart of a person's culture, identity and history. When I was growing up, I spoke Hokkien, watched Cantonese dramas and listened to my father converse in Hakka with the neighbours. Am I and my children supposed to ignore our roots and claim Mandarin as our mother tongue?
Patrick Khoo
I agree more to Mr Patrick Khoo the Reader Ong in earlier reply. Does Ong truely know what is culture? Can Culture REALLY be disasociated with language? This sound very absurb to me! For what i understand, Culture consist of language and values, which cannot be seperated.
'many' people here cannot speak fluent dialect? 'few' people can speak good dialect? Did this reader do any statistical research? I disagree that many people here cant speak good dialect. I seen many who can speak fluent dialect.
Our forefathers came from souther part of China. Mandrian is NOT the mother tongue. Mandrian, aka pu tong hua is from Northern China. It might be good to know Chinese, useful to learn and even important to understand Chinese. All Chinese, regardless of any dialects should learn Chinese, to standardize and Chinese is still part of our Chinese culture. However, when it comes to the roots of our language, mother tongue, it is NOT Chinese, but dialect. I think no one can erase this historical FACT.
I, for one, would continue to improve my own dialect(cantonese), speak whenever i got the chance and will let my children learn dialect, beside English and Chinese.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
天道常变异,运数杳难寻; 成败在人谋,一诺竭终悃;
天道常变异,运数杳难寻; 成败在人谋,一诺竭终悃;
Saturday, March 14, 2009
做事,要按部就班,团体精神和合作很重要。一些人,不按牌理的行动,只会搞乱事情。Indian Chief, 是我一直以来很不喜欢的‘角色’之一。
做事,要按部就班,团体精神和合作很重要。一些人,不按牌理的行动,只会搞乱事情。Indian Chief, 是我一直以来很不喜欢的‘角色’之一。
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Busy month
Monday, February 23, 2009
Last week, had gone through 72 hours of anxiety and worries. Glad that everything is over...
Well, going to have my mock exams, aka 'prelim' now. Personally i think its a good thing to try it out, have a feel of it. And also a 'wake up' call, a strong call to us if our knowledge is still not there yet. So that we could have 2-3 months more to 'pull up our socks'.
May the force be with You, may the force be with us!!!!
Well, going to have my mock exams, aka 'prelim' now. Personally i think its a good thing to try it out, have a feel of it. And also a 'wake up' call, a strong call to us if our knowledge is still not there yet. So that we could have 2-3 months more to 'pull up our socks'.
May the force be with You, may the force be with us!!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
对,就是发现八通未接电话missed call。 我回电话,发现是我的学生打给我,告诉我今天他没空,不能补习;是否能把今天的课改成明天。4.30pm的补习课,他3.50pm 才联络我。我之所以没接电话,是因为我去了游泳。总不能叫我把手机带下泳池吧。
对,就是发现八通未接电话missed call。 我回电话,发现是我的学生打给我,告诉我今天他没空,不能补习;是否能把今天的课改成明天。4.30pm的补习课,他3.50pm 才联络我。我之所以没接电话,是因为我去了游泳。总不能叫我把手机带下泳池吧。
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
To all my friends, passer by A, B, C etc..
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Remember, its not the price of the gift that counts, its the heart that counts.
ps: of course, cannot be too stingy miser la...
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Remember, its not the price of the gift that counts, its the heart that counts.
ps: of course, cannot be too stingy miser la...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
oh no...oh well..
Singapore state investment company Temasek lost about $39 billion, or 31 percent of its holdings, in eight months last year as big bets in the financial sector went sour.
The revelation comes just days after Temasek said Chief Executive Ho Ching — the wife of Singapore's premier Lee Hsien Loong — would step down and be replaced by former BHP Billiton CEO Charles Goodyear. Temasek Holdings' portfolio of investments fell to 127 billion Singapore dollars ($85 billion) as of November 30 from SG$185 billion on March 31, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport Lim Hwee Hwa said Tuesday in Parliament. A Temasek spokesman confirmed the figures.
The fund made a number of missteps under Ho, including a $5 billion investment in brokerage Merrill Lynch in late 2007. Merrill's shares fell 78 percent in 2008 amid the global financial turmoil and the storied Wall Street firm was ultimately bought by Bank of America Corp. on Jan. 1 in a lifesaving deal.
Temasek also has large stakes in other financial companies such as Standard Chartered Plc, DBS Group Holdings Ltd. and Barclays Plc. Singapore's Ministry of Finance is Temasek's only shareholder. The company, which is smaller than the city-state's other sovereign wealth fund, the Government of Singapore Investment Corp., owns large stakes in many of the country's biggest companies, including Singapore Telecommunications, bank DBS Group Holdings and Singapore Airlines.
The revelation comes just days after Temasek said Chief Executive Ho Ching — the wife of Singapore's premier Lee Hsien Loong — would step down and be replaced by former BHP Billiton CEO Charles Goodyear. Temasek Holdings' portfolio of investments fell to 127 billion Singapore dollars ($85 billion) as of November 30 from SG$185 billion on March 31, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport Lim Hwee Hwa said Tuesday in Parliament. A Temasek spokesman confirmed the figures.
The fund made a number of missteps under Ho, including a $5 billion investment in brokerage Merrill Lynch in late 2007. Merrill's shares fell 78 percent in 2008 amid the global financial turmoil and the storied Wall Street firm was ultimately bought by Bank of America Corp. on Jan. 1 in a lifesaving deal.
Temasek also has large stakes in other financial companies such as Standard Chartered Plc, DBS Group Holdings Ltd. and Barclays Plc. Singapore's Ministry of Finance is Temasek's only shareholder. The company, which is smaller than the city-state's other sovereign wealth fund, the Government of Singapore Investment Corp., owns large stakes in many of the country's biggest companies, including Singapore Telecommunications, bank DBS Group Holdings and Singapore Airlines.
Monday, February 9, 2009
上元 - 正月十五,中元- 七月十五,下元- 十月十五。华人相信次日,上天的天官能赐福给大家,俗称天官赐福。这天也是农历新年(春节)的最后一天。
上元 - 正月十五,中元- 七月十五,下元- 十月十五。华人相信次日,上天的天官能赐福给大家,俗称天官赐福。这天也是农历新年(春节)的最后一天。
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
谁说华人道教徒没有‘上帝’? 我们的上帝就是‘玉皇上帝’。他也是无形无相。民间的帝王神像,只是个代表,表示他的至尊地位。
谁说华人道教徒没有‘上帝’? 我们的上帝就是‘玉皇上帝’。他也是无形无相。民间的帝王神像,只是个代表,表示他的至尊地位。
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
中宫属土,九紫火生旺中宫使吉庆气场的汇聚,九紫火「右弼吉庆星」主喜庆婚嫁之事,因此如得生旺,则有喜庆满堂之兆,为催旺财运、升迁、婚喜、生子、创业等储备了必要条件。可在大厅摆放动态家电,用来催旺姻缘喜事。并可摆放天珠盘、绿晶七星盘,加强事业财运,六合鸡盘,和人缘合桃花,化解凶灾。做生意的朋友,可摆放一座开心招财佛,可招纳更大财富。 中宫今年是「喜庆位」,如果结婚想要孩子,可以催旺中宫位。若已有孩子,也可以为升职加薪而努力,将植物放在喜庆位上。 九紫生助当运八白运星,星生宫,八逢九紫,喜曜齐来,大吉利之象。九紫是下元八运的生气星,主情缘及喜庆之事。若房门、窗口、睡床在此方,又与家人宅命相配,则有利于嫁娶、添丁、升职、置业等吉庆喜事。 九紫属火,宜放置大叶植物、红色物件和动态家用电器来催旺吉庆喜事。
在东南方可以摆一个紫水晶球,化解木土相克,欲置业、创业或计画新发展的朋友,不可错失此方,在此方位宜放电风扇、除湿机等动态家电,或可摆放招财貔貅、天珠、水晶七星盘,或则一封红包装入八的金钱币和一张黄纸可以加强运势,能令事业得贵人助力。 今年东南为八白财星,八运东南为七赤破军星,而「破军」为刚过气的财星,故与当时得令的八白财星相会,则东南方地区经济会发展迅速。东南方地区为广东、香港及东南亚一带,此外远至澳洲、纽西兰,亦为东南方地区。 若想在此方催财,可以摆放一杯水,任何水种植物或鱼缸在此位,以利财运。
若祈求升职、工作顺利及旅游者,可在西南位置放黑曜石鼠和合太岁,有助家宅兴旺,老少平安。有赌博习惯、买股票的朋友,可在此处摆放粉晶球、粉晶七星盘或一夥36眼天珠化解加强事业财运,可得上司赏识而加薪升职有望。这20年为五黄灾星驾临之地,唯今年西南方为六白武曲金,金能泄土减弱灾星,故发生严重灾难机会不大。唯金泄土而病星转化为金,而金属主喉咙、气管及肺部,故今年恐会出现呼吸系统流行病毒,而西南地区为印尼及印度洋一带。 西南今年是「武曲位」,利文职以外人士,如装设电脑、修理火车路轨、三行工人、纪律部队或其他技术性人士。若渴望升职,可在西南放八粒白色石头。如要财源广进,则放一杯水。
今年最好不要修动此方位,切忌放风扇,抽湿机等,可在该位摆放六字天柱镇,或铜葫芦内加清朝五帝古钱,或挂上一串已开光的「清朝六帝古钱」(注:仿做的铜钱无效),并在灶底下放八粒白玉扣。 今年正北为「五黄大病位」,会引起身体不适,主要影响呼吸系统及腹部,例如喉咙、气管、肠胃疾病等。如果家居大门位于正北,厨房在正北,或者睡觉方位在正北,病得会更严重。要化解病位,可在正北位摆放音乐盒风铃、或其他可发声的金属物件,如多过一条的钥匙亦可。
三碧木「禄存蚩尤星」又名是非星,飞临东北方,会成二三斗牛煞,此方亦是今年太岁的所在方位,煞气特别重。三碧木一般被视为不吉之星数,容易招惹是非口舌,也是盗贼星。若家中大门、窗台向东北者,主易有戾气积聚,令家人情绪容易激动,脾气暴躁,容易吵闹,难以达到家和万事兴的基本家居条件;而且易引起官讼及口舌之争,盗贼、小偷、失财、人缘欠佳、交通意外、官非诉讼等。家有冲犯太岁之肖羊及肖牛者更要当心,切宜化解。 若窗台向东北方,更形煞加镰刀煞的马路,可在窗台摆放龙龟、和合二仙像、贵人天珠盘、麒麟、六字天柱镇、粉晶六合鸡盘,化解小人,和合人缘。若大门在东北位上,土木相克,可在门外放上红地毡,木生火,火生土,化解「官符」及意外之不利。 东北位属「三碧嗌交争吵位」,可在家居东北位放粉红色地毡化解,但若是靠口才为生 ,则可不化解。
二黑土「巨门病符星」,主有损伤、疾厄、皮肉痛症及肠胃疾病,特别女主人。病符星所到之正西方不可胡乱动土,亦不宜摆放生动的东西,否则随时都会动起病符及人口不安。若大门、房门或厨房设在正西,容易感染疾病或有突发性健康变化,甚至有手术,血光之应,慎防有孝服。 家居大门、厨房或睡房位于正西,居住者容易生病,主要病变集中在呼吸系统,即喉咙、气管等;其次为腹部疾病,可将风铃、音乐盒及一些可发出声音的金属物品放在正西位化解。若要化解病符飞临之伤害,可在西北方摆放一夥三十六眼天珠或六字天柱镇、白玉葫芦或铜葫芦内加清朝五帝古钱,化解病符星。若大门或房门设在正西方位置,可挂上六帝钱,有除病化煞功效。此方不宜摆放红地毡及大叶植物。
一白水「贪狼星」又为桃花星,三吉星之一,主文贵、幸运、人和、财富、感情、桃花及人际关系;对升职、旅游及进修等也有极大帮助。值生旺当运者主吉,便可借助贪狼星来实现自己的理想,求谋、求财、求姻缘等更易得心应手。若遇克泄及退气者,有负面性质存在,如处理失误或摆放失当则会妨碍学业,带来感情烦恼;而且更会影响耳、肾、膀胱及泌尿系统的健康,不可轻视。 如果未婚的男女又想趋旺桃花,可摆在大厅位置放粉晶球、粉晶七星盘,加强桃花运。欲求儿女读书专心,成绩进步,则可摆放文昌塔或三元及第助旺文昌。若求事业晋升,可摆放一夥九眼老天珠、绿晶七星盘。西北方位今年是「桃花位」,要催旺桃花,可放一杯水,再在旁边一个上链发声音乐盒,宜久不久拉动,让其金属声震动旁边的水,以催旺桃花。由于桃花除了代表男女关系,还包括一般的人际关系,所以已婚人士也可催旺桃花。
中宫属土,九紫火生旺中宫使吉庆气场的汇聚,九紫火「右弼吉庆星」主喜庆婚嫁之事,因此如得生旺,则有喜庆满堂之兆,为催旺财运、升迁、婚喜、生子、创业等储备了必要条件。可在大厅摆放动态家电,用来催旺姻缘喜事。并可摆放天珠盘、绿晶七星盘,加强事业财运,六合鸡盘,和人缘合桃花,化解凶灾。做生意的朋友,可摆放一座开心招财佛,可招纳更大财富。 中宫今年是「喜庆位」,如果结婚想要孩子,可以催旺中宫位。若已有孩子,也可以为升职加薪而努力,将植物放在喜庆位上。 九紫生助当运八白运星,星生宫,八逢九紫,喜曜齐来,大吉利之象。九紫是下元八运的生气星,主情缘及喜庆之事。若房门、窗口、睡床在此方,又与家人宅命相配,则有利于嫁娶、添丁、升职、置业等吉庆喜事。 九紫属火,宜放置大叶植物、红色物件和动态家用电器来催旺吉庆喜事。
在东南方可以摆一个紫水晶球,化解木土相克,欲置业、创业或计画新发展的朋友,不可错失此方,在此方位宜放电风扇、除湿机等动态家电,或可摆放招财貔貅、天珠、水晶七星盘,或则一封红包装入八的金钱币和一张黄纸可以加强运势,能令事业得贵人助力。 今年东南为八白财星,八运东南为七赤破军星,而「破军」为刚过气的财星,故与当时得令的八白财星相会,则东南方地区经济会发展迅速。东南方地区为广东、香港及东南亚一带,此外远至澳洲、纽西兰,亦为东南方地区。 若想在此方催财,可以摆放一杯水,任何水种植物或鱼缸在此位,以利财运。
若祈求升职、工作顺利及旅游者,可在西南位置放黑曜石鼠和合太岁,有助家宅兴旺,老少平安。有赌博习惯、买股票的朋友,可在此处摆放粉晶球、粉晶七星盘或一夥36眼天珠化解加强事业财运,可得上司赏识而加薪升职有望。这20年为五黄灾星驾临之地,唯今年西南方为六白武曲金,金能泄土减弱灾星,故发生严重灾难机会不大。唯金泄土而病星转化为金,而金属主喉咙、气管及肺部,故今年恐会出现呼吸系统流行病毒,而西南地区为印尼及印度洋一带。 西南今年是「武曲位」,利文职以外人士,如装设电脑、修理火车路轨、三行工人、纪律部队或其他技术性人士。若渴望升职,可在西南放八粒白色石头。如要财源广进,则放一杯水。
今年最好不要修动此方位,切忌放风扇,抽湿机等,可在该位摆放六字天柱镇,或铜葫芦内加清朝五帝古钱,或挂上一串已开光的「清朝六帝古钱」(注:仿做的铜钱无效),并在灶底下放八粒白玉扣。 今年正北为「五黄大病位」,会引起身体不适,主要影响呼吸系统及腹部,例如喉咙、气管、肠胃疾病等。如果家居大门位于正北,厨房在正北,或者睡觉方位在正北,病得会更严重。要化解病位,可在正北位摆放音乐盒风铃、或其他可发声的金属物件,如多过一条的钥匙亦可。
三碧木「禄存蚩尤星」又名是非星,飞临东北方,会成二三斗牛煞,此方亦是今年太岁的所在方位,煞气特别重。三碧木一般被视为不吉之星数,容易招惹是非口舌,也是盗贼星。若家中大门、窗台向东北者,主易有戾气积聚,令家人情绪容易激动,脾气暴躁,容易吵闹,难以达到家和万事兴的基本家居条件;而且易引起官讼及口舌之争,盗贼、小偷、失财、人缘欠佳、交通意外、官非诉讼等。家有冲犯太岁之肖羊及肖牛者更要当心,切宜化解。 若窗台向东北方,更形煞加镰刀煞的马路,可在窗台摆放龙龟、和合二仙像、贵人天珠盘、麒麟、六字天柱镇、粉晶六合鸡盘,化解小人,和合人缘。若大门在东北位上,土木相克,可在门外放上红地毡,木生火,火生土,化解「官符」及意外之不利。 东北位属「三碧嗌交争吵位」,可在家居东北位放粉红色地毡化解,但若是靠口才为生 ,则可不化解。
二黑土「巨门病符星」,主有损伤、疾厄、皮肉痛症及肠胃疾病,特别女主人。病符星所到之正西方不可胡乱动土,亦不宜摆放生动的东西,否则随时都会动起病符及人口不安。若大门、房门或厨房设在正西,容易感染疾病或有突发性健康变化,甚至有手术,血光之应,慎防有孝服。 家居大门、厨房或睡房位于正西,居住者容易生病,主要病变集中在呼吸系统,即喉咙、气管等;其次为腹部疾病,可将风铃、音乐盒及一些可发出声音的金属物品放在正西位化解。若要化解病符飞临之伤害,可在西北方摆放一夥三十六眼天珠或六字天柱镇、白玉葫芦或铜葫芦内加清朝五帝古钱,化解病符星。若大门或房门设在正西方位置,可挂上六帝钱,有除病化煞功效。此方不宜摆放红地毡及大叶植物。
一白水「贪狼星」又为桃花星,三吉星之一,主文贵、幸运、人和、财富、感情、桃花及人际关系;对升职、旅游及进修等也有极大帮助。值生旺当运者主吉,便可借助贪狼星来实现自己的理想,求谋、求财、求姻缘等更易得心应手。若遇克泄及退气者,有负面性质存在,如处理失误或摆放失当则会妨碍学业,带来感情烦恼;而且更会影响耳、肾、膀胱及泌尿系统的健康,不可轻视。 如果未婚的男女又想趋旺桃花,可摆在大厅位置放粉晶球、粉晶七星盘,加强桃花运。欲求儿女读书专心,成绩进步,则可摆放文昌塔或三元及第助旺文昌。若求事业晋升,可摆放一夥九眼老天珠、绿晶七星盘。西北方位今年是「桃花位」,要催旺桃花,可放一杯水,再在旁边一个上链发声音乐盒,宜久不久拉动,让其金属声震动旁边的水,以催旺桃花。由于桃花除了代表男女关系,还包括一般的人际关系,所以已婚人士也可催旺桃花。
Saturday, January 24, 2009
1. 上头香 - 切记,勿推挤,凌乱的上香。香香乃中华文化,道教庄严习俗;目的是通过香烟与神灵沟通,祈祷。所以上香要严肃,不能急躁,不能乱插香。一些庙宇争先恐后的上香,绝对不能祈福,反而培养恶习,制造不愉快气氛。上头香,是指各人自己的新年第一烛香,不是,我重复,不是庙宇的第一烛香。因此整个春节都能为自己上香,不必一定执着,要午夜上香。午夜子时,是晚上11点到凌晨1点为子时时辰。不是12点。华人时辰计算,11点就算明天了。
2. 接财神 , 正统道教在初四后,初五才接五路财神,但是一般民间在初一午夜就接财神。其实那一天接都有‘效果’。按逻辑当然是初五接财神才对,因为初四众神才下凡。但,民间初一开年祈福,‘顺便’迎接财富- 财神也是人类心理因素啦。
如果在家接财神,香炉可以向天,或则干脆用自己家中神台香炉也行。摆上祭品,首先把家里所有的灯全部开亮, 身体必须冲洗干净,然后穿上整洁并且颜色亮丽的新衣服,尽可能避免身穿黑色或灰色衣服。
时间一到,就向正东方迎接财神。如果要接贵神,就向东北方,接喜神,就到西南方。心中并报自己名字,地址然后观想(visualize) 神明样子就可以了。当然还要说吉祥话。
正月初四时辰一般, 时间宜选在早上9 时3 0 分至11时、下午3时30分至10时。
正月初五时辰最好, 吉时于上午7时3 0 分至11时、下午3时30分至10时。
正月十二属吉日,可选在上午9时30分至1 1 时开工。若迁就不及,可先行或延迟上班,待吉日吉时才用湿水黄巾抹桌椅、派红包等, 进行开工仪式。
3 犯太岁生肖
肖羊者:需为年内奔波劳碌作好心理准备。签合约时要特别小心, 勿赊借予人,有机会换屋转工。需留意消化系统和肌肉毛病。
肖龙者:易生诉讼,被人针对, 注意长辈健康,或有丧服。
4. 大家也可以用七彩花瓣,石榴叶或/和柚子叶,混入水中等待5-10分钟后,用该水清洗身体,可去除晦气,提升运气。
5. 除了在家拜神,也可以到庙宇,大年初一到庙宇转转,能扭转乾坤,沾染喜气,正气。
..... 下篇还有‘趁吉避凶’...是我收集的一些民间资料。
1. 上头香 - 切记,勿推挤,凌乱的上香。香香乃中华文化,道教庄严习俗;目的是通过香烟与神灵沟通,祈祷。所以上香要严肃,不能急躁,不能乱插香。一些庙宇争先恐后的上香,绝对不能祈福,反而培养恶习,制造不愉快气氛。上头香,是指各人自己的新年第一烛香,不是,我重复,不是庙宇的第一烛香。因此整个春节都能为自己上香,不必一定执着,要午夜上香。午夜子时,是晚上11点到凌晨1点为子时时辰。不是12点。华人时辰计算,11点就算明天了。
2. 接财神 , 正统道教在初四后,初五才接五路财神,但是一般民间在初一午夜就接财神。其实那一天接都有‘效果’。按逻辑当然是初五接财神才对,因为初四众神才下凡。但,民间初一开年祈福,‘顺便’迎接财富- 财神也是人类心理因素啦。
如果在家接财神,香炉可以向天,或则干脆用自己家中神台香炉也行。摆上祭品,首先把家里所有的灯全部开亮, 身体必须冲洗干净,然后穿上整洁并且颜色亮丽的新衣服,尽可能避免身穿黑色或灰色衣服。
时间一到,就向正东方迎接财神。如果要接贵神,就向东北方,接喜神,就到西南方。心中并报自己名字,地址然后观想(visualize) 神明样子就可以了。当然还要说吉祥话。
正月初四时辰一般, 时间宜选在早上9 时3 0 分至11时、下午3时30分至10时。
正月初五时辰最好, 吉时于上午7时3 0 分至11时、下午3时30分至10时。
正月十二属吉日,可选在上午9时30分至1 1 时开工。若迁就不及,可先行或延迟上班,待吉日吉时才用湿水黄巾抹桌椅、派红包等, 进行开工仪式。
3 犯太岁生肖
肖羊者:需为年内奔波劳碌作好心理准备。签合约时要特别小心, 勿赊借予人,有机会换屋转工。需留意消化系统和肌肉毛病。
肖龙者:易生诉讼,被人针对, 注意长辈健康,或有丧服。
4. 大家也可以用七彩花瓣,石榴叶或/和柚子叶,混入水中等待5-10分钟后,用该水清洗身体,可去除晦气,提升运气。
5. 除了在家拜神,也可以到庙宇,大年初一到庙宇转转,能扭转乾坤,沾染喜气,正气。
..... 下篇还有‘趁吉避凶’...是我收集的一些民间资料。
Friday, January 23, 2009
大扫除,就如同reset 一样。万象更新,从新出发。好的开始就是成功一半。
1. 用半烧水(阴阳水-半冷半热), 加入柚子叶或(和)石榴叶清洗家里,或则四周洒洒。
不用叶子,可以加入各种颜色花瓣。 叶子也好,花瓣也好,必须加入水中大约5-10分钟之后才开始使用。
2. 清洗家中,最好是从里到外一路清洗。白天大扫除最好,清洗之后打开窗户,让阳光射入。一年的晦气能换新气。
3. 家里大扫除,我们身体也要。剪个头发,整理自己的外表也能提升运气,所为焕然一新嘛。穿新衣不是小孩子的娱乐。其实这也是开年的开运步骤。没有新衣,可以用阴阳水,加入柚子叶清洗衣服,这样就能算‘新’了。
4. 除旧迎新,家中不要堆积破烂,不要四周凌乱。在好的风水家,如果家中一大堆破烂,也没用。晦气堆积,会影响健康以及运气。
5. 有宗教背景的人,记得忏悔自己往年的罪过,并且要有感恩心。心灵上的‘大扫除’也很重要。不要斤斤计较。心胸豁达,好运自然来。
大扫除,就如同reset 一样。万象更新,从新出发。好的开始就是成功一半。
1. 用半烧水(阴阳水-半冷半热), 加入柚子叶或(和)石榴叶清洗家里,或则四周洒洒。
不用叶子,可以加入各种颜色花瓣。 叶子也好,花瓣也好,必须加入水中大约5-10分钟之后才开始使用。
2. 清洗家中,最好是从里到外一路清洗。白天大扫除最好,清洗之后打开窗户,让阳光射入。一年的晦气能换新气。
3. 家里大扫除,我们身体也要。剪个头发,整理自己的外表也能提升运气,所为焕然一新嘛。穿新衣不是小孩子的娱乐。其实这也是开年的开运步骤。没有新衣,可以用阴阳水,加入柚子叶清洗衣服,这样就能算‘新’了。
4. 除旧迎新,家中不要堆积破烂,不要四周凌乱。在好的风水家,如果家中一大堆破烂,也没用。晦气堆积,会影响健康以及运气。
5. 有宗教背景的人,记得忏悔自己往年的罪过,并且要有感恩心。心灵上的‘大扫除’也很重要。不要斤斤计较。心胸豁达,好运自然来。
Thursday, January 22, 2009
You Can See The Future
You Can See The Future
You can see the future with a vision.
Study your present situation thoroughly. Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you. Visualize the consequences which can follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives you the most promise and go ahead.
Many successful people use this skill of mental visualization. They mentally run through important events before they happen. Picture yourself in your minds eye as already having achieved your goal.
See yourself doing the things you'll be doing when you've reached your goal.You can put your subconscious to work toward making your mental pictures come true. Go over your day in your imagination before you begin it.
You can begin acting successfully at any moment.See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as already in your possession. What you can see in your mind, you can get.
You can see the future with a vision.
Study your present situation thoroughly. Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you. Visualize the consequences which can follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives you the most promise and go ahead.
Many successful people use this skill of mental visualization. They mentally run through important events before they happen. Picture yourself in your minds eye as already having achieved your goal.
See yourself doing the things you'll be doing when you've reached your goal.You can put your subconscious to work toward making your mental pictures come true. Go over your day in your imagination before you begin it.
You can begin acting successfully at any moment.See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as already in your possession. What you can see in your mind, you can get.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
825am. alr late for class.
Class starting at 830 at SIM, i am still at Lornie road at 825am. The jam today was especially terrible!
Normally its only heavy traffic, starting from the part of the road outside mediacorp. But today, it started at Braddell.
i thought its because of the flyover at adam, towards orchard that was causing it. But i was wrong. Bukit Timah road was jammed too. Its a surprise because at 800am, the road was not crowded normally. My god, its a heavy jam from Beauty World to Lornie Road!!!
I seriously do not know why. No accident, no road work. Just plain jam with all the cars stucked on the road.
from 825, to 915 i was stuck in the jam.
Singaporean drivers, please be alert, check your car often so that it does not break down so easily. Be alert, move swiftly. Moving fast doesnt mean more accident. You drive swift, decisive but responsibily. Road hogging and blur driving cause accident too. Sometime some drivers are 'lost' in their own world while driving. Even they are travelling at 40km/h, its a danger hazard to the road too.
My day was nearly spoilt because of this jam. Simply hate it.
Class starting at 830 at SIM, i am still at Lornie road at 825am. The jam today was especially terrible!
Normally its only heavy traffic, starting from the part of the road outside mediacorp. But today, it started at Braddell.
i thought its because of the flyover at adam, towards orchard that was causing it. But i was wrong. Bukit Timah road was jammed too. Its a surprise because at 800am, the road was not crowded normally. My god, its a heavy jam from Beauty World to Lornie Road!!!
I seriously do not know why. No accident, no road work. Just plain jam with all the cars stucked on the road.
from 825, to 915 i was stuck in the jam.
Singaporean drivers, please be alert, check your car often so that it does not break down so easily. Be alert, move swiftly. Moving fast doesnt mean more accident. You drive swift, decisive but responsibily. Road hogging and blur driving cause accident too. Sometime some drivers are 'lost' in their own world while driving. Even they are travelling at 40km/h, its a danger hazard to the road too.
My day was nearly spoilt because of this jam. Simply hate it.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
TM has a blog
Well..doing a bit of 'advertisments' here. Lol.
Some of you might know i belong to an religious association in Singapore. Its website URL can be found at the side of my blog. And guess what, it also has a blog. Hmm. Will like to intro it here:
Latest info presented in lighthearted style, a step closer to be 'In' for a traditional organisation.
Some of you might know i belong to an religious association in Singapore. Its website URL can be found at the side of my blog. And guess what, it also has a blog. Hmm. Will like to intro it here:
Latest info presented in lighthearted style, a step closer to be 'In' for a traditional organisation.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1, 剧情不合逻辑。
"帮我搞定,以后还你钱!’- 这是我一位朋友对我的‘吩咐’。天啊,感谢神明(太岁)一年的保佑,太岁老爷劳苦功高,岁末时候却遭遇如此般对待。答谢感恩变成了‘交易’。这些人一点心意,责任都 没有。当然,我也没和他争论。争,也没用。帮他就是了。
理由一 : 这间庙宇拜的是大伯公,我家里也有,所以我不拜
理由二: 我拜观音,拜大圣爷,这是大伯公,所以我不拜
理由三: 我只去四马路观音庙拜,其它庙,我不拜
天啊,没听过礼多人不怪吗? 人类就是这样无知,一天到晚起分别心,自我心。
奇怪,向人打招呼有‘好不好’吗?对神明行礼焚香,也有‘好不好’的道理?再来所有道教神明都是一家,同一个信仰。为何我拜大圣爷,所以‘不能’拜大伯公? 大家要了解,焚香是一种仪式,礼貌仪式,就象我们人类大招呼一样。不是什么‘神秘的动作’。
华人也忽略的信仰的重要。以为只是一种‘死板,迷信等’活动。其实这是极为错误的。信仰包含了文化以及我们的‘根’。新传媒的‘小娘惹’也谈到,我们不能忘记自己的根。 但是很遗憾,对于我们的根,我们根的信仰,许多人都没兴趣。
现代华人也无事不登三宝殿,有事情,又或则只有年头懂得拜神。其它日子呢?"敬神而远之"。 当神是一种‘拖累’,‘麻烦’。这种人,我是神我也懒得理他们。
"帮我搞定,以后还你钱!’- 这是我一位朋友对我的‘吩咐’。天啊,感谢神明(太岁)一年的保佑,太岁老爷劳苦功高,岁末时候却遭遇如此般对待。答谢感恩变成了‘交易’。这些人一点心意,责任都 没有。当然,我也没和他争论。争,也没用。帮他就是了。
理由一 : 这间庙宇拜的是大伯公,我家里也有,所以我不拜
理由二: 我拜观音,拜大圣爷,这是大伯公,所以我不拜
理由三: 我只去四马路观音庙拜,其它庙,我不拜
天啊,没听过礼多人不怪吗? 人类就是这样无知,一天到晚起分别心,自我心。
奇怪,向人打招呼有‘好不好’吗?对神明行礼焚香,也有‘好不好’的道理?再来所有道教神明都是一家,同一个信仰。为何我拜大圣爷,所以‘不能’拜大伯公? 大家要了解,焚香是一种仪式,礼貌仪式,就象我们人类大招呼一样。不是什么‘神秘的动作’。
华人也忽略的信仰的重要。以为只是一种‘死板,迷信等’活动。其实这是极为错误的。信仰包含了文化以及我们的‘根’。新传媒的‘小娘惹’也谈到,我们不能忘记自己的根。 但是很遗憾,对于我们的根,我们根的信仰,许多人都没兴趣。
现代华人也无事不登三宝殿,有事情,又或则只有年头懂得拜神。其它日子呢?"敬神而远之"。 当神是一种‘拖累’,‘麻烦’。这种人,我是神我也懒得理他们。
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
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