Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everyone!!!
on a more 'serious' note...
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town
It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
Finance products are confusing,
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town... (already in town!)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
以前有個書生, 和未婚妻約好在某年某月某日結婚. 到那一天,未婚妻卻嫁給了別人. 書生受此打擊, 一病不起.家人用盡各種辦法都無能為力, 眼看奄奄一息.這時, 路過一道人, 得知情況, 決定點化一下他.道人到他床前, 從懷裡摸出一面鏡子叫書生看.
書生看到茫茫大海, 一名遇害的女子一絲不掛地躺在海灘上.
路過一人, 看一眼, 搖搖頭, 走了....
又路過一人, 將衣服脫下, 給女屍蓋上, 走了....
再路過一人, 過去, 挖個坑, 小心翼翼把屍體掩埋了............
疑惑間, 畫面切換. 書生看到自己的未婚妻. 洞房花燭,被她丈夫掀起蓋頭的瞬間... 書生不明所以.
道人解釋道, 那具海灘上的女屍, 就是你未婚妻的前世.你是第2個路過的人, 曾給過他一件衣服. 她今生和你相戀, 只為還你一個情.但是她最終要報答一生一世的人, 是最後那個把她掩埋的人,那人就是他現在的丈夫.
書生大悟, 唰地從床上做起, 病癒 !
緣這個東西, 是最不可思議的.
這世界說大就大, 說小就小.就算是我們今生的約定, 也要用一生去尋找....
我們都在參加一場宏大的化裝舞會, 熙熙攘攘的人群裡, 我們尋覓著,渴望著....那指間, 相觸時被電擊的感覺. 那一刻, 面具摘下了,顯現出真是的面目.這之前, 我們都惶惑著, 惶惑得甚至不知道自己需要的究竟是什麼.直到你遇到一個人, 才恍然間了解了自己. 真正想要的, 並非當初以為的.你驚訝于自己在對方面前表現出來的, 竟然是和過去栽然不同的你!皆因你過去戴著面具.緣分這東西不可強求. 該你的, 早晚是你的: 不該你的, 怎麼努力也得不到. 但無論任何時候, 我們都不要絕望. 不要放棄自己對真,善, 美的愛情追求.愛情最好的結果當然是有緣有份但,
書生看到茫茫大海, 一名遇害的女子一絲不掛地躺在海灘上.
路過一人, 看一眼, 搖搖頭, 走了....
又路過一人, 將衣服脫下, 給女屍蓋上, 走了....
再路過一人, 過去, 挖個坑, 小心翼翼把屍體掩埋了............
疑惑間, 畫面切換. 書生看到自己的未婚妻. 洞房花燭,被她丈夫掀起蓋頭的瞬間... 書生不明所以.
道人解釋道, 那具海灘上的女屍, 就是你未婚妻的前世.你是第2個路過的人, 曾給過他一件衣服. 她今生和你相戀, 只為還你一個情.但是她最終要報答一生一世的人, 是最後那個把她掩埋的人,那人就是他現在的丈夫.
書生大悟, 唰地從床上做起, 病癒 !
緣這個東西, 是最不可思議的.
這世界說大就大, 說小就小.就算是我們今生的約定, 也要用一生去尋找....
我們都在參加一場宏大的化裝舞會, 熙熙攘攘的人群裡, 我們尋覓著,渴望著....那指間, 相觸時被電擊的感覺. 那一刻, 面具摘下了,顯現出真是的面目.這之前, 我們都惶惑著, 惶惑得甚至不知道自己需要的究竟是什麼.直到你遇到一個人, 才恍然間了解了自己. 真正想要的, 並非當初以為的.你驚訝于自己在對方面前表現出來的, 竟然是和過去栽然不同的你!皆因你過去戴著面具.緣分這東西不可強求. 該你的, 早晚是你的: 不該你的, 怎麼努力也得不到. 但無論任何時候, 我們都不要絕望. 不要放棄自己對真,善, 美的愛情追求.愛情最好的結果當然是有緣有份但,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Scary sia
Its getting a little bit scary and abit annoying.
Your 'unglam' photos putting up, and everyone 'commenting' on it. Image an unglam photo on net and half the world discussing. Unless i am a celebrity and earning tons of money, i don't mind, but i am not.
Personally, i don't mind having my photos on the net. Provided with my approval and it is decent and appropriate.
Everyone got a role to play and got an image. One can 'heck care' about image whatever and say they are 'true to themselve', i do not care. I think image is responsiblity and what you want to present yourself. Its not about 'true' or 'untrue'. What is 'true' or 'untrue' anyway? We are what we behave and present ourselve.
Of course, i got my 'tahan-ness' level. Its rising but still within the limit. Well, maybe when it reaches the limit, i will do what i got to do le. To save me from agony and worries.
I have to painstakingly 'untag' the photos and scanning the albums. After every outing or events i have to do that. Even to the extend i have to 'protect' myself by buying a new camera so that i also 'do the same to others' .
Many of you will know what i am talking about -
Your 'unglam' photos putting up, and everyone 'commenting' on it. Image an unglam photo on net and half the world discussing. Unless i am a celebrity and earning tons of money, i don't mind, but i am not.
Personally, i don't mind having my photos on the net. Provided with my approval and it is decent and appropriate.
Everyone got a role to play and got an image. One can 'heck care' about image whatever and say they are 'true to themselve', i do not care. I think image is responsiblity and what you want to present yourself. Its not about 'true' or 'untrue'. What is 'true' or 'untrue' anyway? We are what we behave and present ourselve.
Of course, i got my 'tahan-ness' level. Its rising but still within the limit. Well, maybe when it reaches the limit, i will do what i got to do le. To save me from agony and worries.
I have to painstakingly 'untag' the photos and scanning the albums. After every outing or events i have to do that. Even to the extend i have to 'protect' myself by buying a new camera so that i also 'do the same to others' .
Many of you will know what i am talking about -
Monday, December 15, 2008
Something that made me proud of
Well..just to share..
my youngest sis reacted well when one of her friends suddenly fainted one day in her house. My sis actually applied some medicated oil and some massage on her head. After awhile she regained conscious.
I am impressed. At 14 yrs old, my youngest sis did not garbra and panicked. Keep it up!
my youngest sis reacted well when one of her friends suddenly fainted one day in her house. My sis actually applied some medicated oil and some massage on her head. After awhile she regained conscious.
I am impressed. At 14 yrs old, my youngest sis did not garbra and panicked. Keep it up!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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